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Lynzy Land


I know it has been a terribly long time but my complete boredom has re-awakened my desire to get this magical realm up adn running again! And also its newest rival - My Space - it has taken over from Piczo with its so called 'html' - Lynzyland is REAL html dammit!

Anyway... a lot has happened since the last time Lynzyland was given a bit of love. I'm 18 (woo) and at university! I know! I'm all grown up! Well not quite, it'll be a long time before that me thinks! But we haven't lost Kyle to the land of down under, hurrah! And he may be joining us at Salford (Bigger hurrah!) as might Emma (an equal amount of hurrahing!) What else has happened? Falmouth - a truly amazing experience for all involved, and a very dramatic one! I experienced Alton Towers for the first time - a scary but wonderful time! Jem and Lee have got their love on... Katie and Mike have got their love off... Emma's well and truly loved up... Kyle's gone back on his amusing insult to Danny at my xmas party last year... I've bagged myself a man, and a good one this time! : D ... Kyle's gone all indie (after much coaching)... Siobhan has got herself driving... and turned in to a drunken student bum... Emma's Ellie now also has complete legal freedom... Dud went through a beatles-style phase (with his hair... not scouserisms)... City beat united - again!... Kwiksave was taken over by the demons of Somerfield and the world will never be the same again... and I'm running out of things to say... you get the gist!
Anyway I'm leaving the last update for nostalgic reasons, and so you can see how long it's been! Hopefully there shall be some new photos to accompany the old ones, to show the passing of time and the many new wonderful additions to my life! Exciting stuff eh? Well ta ra for now my friends! X x x x x

Ok now I'm fed up of you little people with your little fake websites!! Now this one may be shit but at least its real!! The original Lynzyland has been fairly neglected in recent months and i feel rather guilty about it, i've got a lot of making up to Hectar to do. I've started posting my photos on Lynzyland's sister site, my msn space. For those of you who actually know html (which I dont think is very many of you, judging from the number of pczo sites cropping up.. damn those crooks!!!) you'll know it takes quite a long time to write the codes. So for now i'm posting photos on there but soem may come back to Lynzyland when I've done my exams and have lots of time to do absaloutly nothing!! Talking of which, my first one is the day after tomorrow and i'm completely bricking it! let's all pray! Well hope to see u all soon chickidees x X x Oooo And don't forget to sign the guestbook!!
At the moment...

I'm loving
Big Brother - now this year i said oh its going to be shit blah blah blah but im quite worried to say i think im becoming addicted, its fab!! Even the ones I hate, i love hating them cause they are all brilliant to watch, apart from Vanessa shes boring , and sam has brief moments that are rewarding to mock but other than that she's shit so she should go on friday!
I See Girls - best song to shake your booty to EVER!!
The oasis concert being just over 2 weeks away! I can't wait!! It's a spiritual experience! (Really!!!)
Fish fingers, potato waffles and oven crunchies - retro dining is back!
Nedum Onuoha - not only a brilliant footballer but he's so cute I want to worship the ground he walks on!
warm weather - of late my back catalogue of skirts has had a few outings - let's hope there's many more to come!

I'm hating
Revision!!! It is the foulest thing ever!!
Everyone else apart from me being 18!! Now I have Shiv but within a short space of time she too will have joined the other side, when will it be my turn!! *bawls like a baby*
Kareoke builders - I don't really need to hear 5 scallies singing "I like the way you move" at 8 in the morning - this ones kind of dated now but i want to leave it there cause builders are still a very much live memory after this bloomin conservatory
Rude people - some people really need a good poke with the almighty stick of manners!!
The police! I'm doing them a favour by identifying someone, and all they do is wake me up at 9.30am to give a statement about something that happened at 2 o clock in the morning the previous night, and i had to go to one pointless appointment before waiting 45mins to be seen at the actual one! Disgraceful!!

How Cool Is This??!!!????


Merry Brandybuck

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Merry, Hobbit, heir of the Brandybucks and a friend of Frodo's.

In the movie, I am played by Dominic Monaghan.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software


Cheer Bear
You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together.

This penguin has been here for two years and due to popular demand he has stayed put! in fact i don't think i could get him to leave even if i wanted to (penguins are very strong willed you know) But as everyone has ignored his plees for a name he is now no longer the poor nameless penguin but is called hectar!

Stuff you can have a look at!!

Woody's 18th Party

Kyle's 18th Party

Emma's 18th Party


The madness of a camera in your phone... Photo Madness

About Me

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get this gear!