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The Rules Thus Far

1. You have to be a good RP`er!

2. You have you be a character from the book.

3. I don't RP with newbs and if you're branded one, please remove yourself from my thread. I don't mean to be mean, it's just that newbs are destroying the boards and I'm tired of taking the nice approach to it. I hate the whole "I'm a metamorphmagus, animagus, decendant from Sirius (Rest in peace, dear), Tom Riddle, Malfoys... etc." It gets boring and it undermines rule number two.

4. You *can* be kicked out without your consent. If I find that you lied about being a good RP`er, don't RP right, use Unforgiveable Curses, etc, then you are OUT!

5. If you want to be a character that someone already is, I will judge by the RP`ing abilities. If you're better, I will make arrangements with the other character. If you both are good, then you'll have to sort it out amongst yourselves.

6. I don't like character-slaughters. If you're accepted, you *have* to RP your character by the books. If not, you're gone.

7. Don't IC post less than six lines. It's too time-wasting and it hardly contributes to the RP. There will be exceptions to this if the RP isn't really 'going'. However, I'm into details. It justifies our group. Confusing, I know.

8. Don't pester! I can't take it! Nor can anyone else! It's... retarded! *had to be politically incorrect there* Sorry.

9. I reserve the right to add to these rules.

10. If you get on my nerves, I have the right to beat you until you squeak with my wiffle bat.

11. You *have* visit this site for a laugh. I find that people who laugh alot are better RP`ers. *wink*