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Mental Health
Suicide Prevention

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This web site will focus on different types of mental illnesses; their causes, symptoms, medications used, and links to other sites with more valuable information. If you have any suggestions for this site please email us.

Depression runs in my family. I suffer from it too. I take Depression and Anxiety medicines. As long as I take these medicines, I am able to live a normal life. In March, I graduated college. I never could have done that without them. Not everyone needs medication though. If you're feeling depressed, see your doctor ASAP. If you're feeling like hurting yourself, go to the emergency room. I know, many people do not understand depression and anxiety. They think you're just making it all up. For many people, like me, depression is an actual chemical imbalance in the brain. The right medication can help. For others, maybe therapy or a combination of the two. Have you been through a traumatic experience? A good therapist can help. Anyway, my point is...don't be afraid to get help! -Patty

My name is Angel. I suffer from Manic Depression, Bi-Polar Disorder, Anxiety and a Personality Disorder. I have attempted suicide several times by various means. Thank God I have a very loving and supportive family. It really helps when you have friends and family that you can count on, BUT... You must love yourself first! -Angel

This Guardian Angel comes with the message that you are never alone,

that an angel's eye follows you wherever you go.

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Everything will be kept strictly confidential. If you can't find the help you need here, We'll see what else we can find for you.

WebMD also has lots of information on physical and mental health.

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Last updated May 21st, 2006