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My Personal Information

Louisa Cheang
I live in Macao. My name is Louisa. I am studying in University Of Macao ( My major is accounting. I wish I can be an accountant and a successful management. My objective is to get at least 3.2 (second honor, upper class) for my GPA when I graduate. In order to achieve this objective, I will study harder and harder, and keep this  objective in my mind always. I know it must be very hard for me to pass through this process to achieve my objective alone, therefore I must be strong. I am no longer the Louisa whom you met before.

This is my pet, its name is Dingo. I like dog, but my parents didn't allow me having a dog as my pet, I think there are several reasons, first the living place was small, second I couldn't take good care of it, last reason .. it is too trouble to have a dog. Thereby I bought a tortoise as my pet, it have lived with us for almost ten years.... I admit that I am not a good master, since when Dingo comes to our apartment, I only concern on Dingo, about the tortoise...what I can say is " Sorry" ....... of course it is not responsible..... not only my tortoise, even Bo Bo which was brought to our apartment by my parents (about the reason for me to let it leave our apartment, I have written in my essay).... Well...why did my parents let me having a dog now? I think there are also several reasons, first the living place is larger than the old one, second I can take care of it, last reason ..... since Dingo was following me to come home.... and my parents think that it is a good omen.

Louisa Cheang
When I was a baby, I liked laughing, I seem like a boy, of course I am a girl-.-" . When I was a child, I wish I could be an adult. When my wish comes true now, it is not as simple as what I thought before. There are lots things I need to think, there are lots of problems I need to solve. How come? How come my laughing becomes less and less? where is my happiness? where is my smile?.. in my brain. and mind are full of 3.2, ACCOUNTANT , WHY? WHY?   
There are several things which I like to do...writing essays, reading stories, shopping, listening music (songs), watching films, singing karaoke, going online for chatting, knitting...
Before I through that I had confidence to tell my age to everyone no matter how old I am, I didn't think it was a secret for a gal. When I am getting older and older, I cannot deny it is a secret for a gal. When my 21 was coming... I tried to hide my age automatically... I have confidence to do everything in front of people except telling people how old I am...^_^... ha ha ha...