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The Sorting Hat

Directions to be sorted:

Neomail mizukittygirl2 you answers, like so:

1. a
2. b

etc., etc. Good Luck!

1. If you saw a dementor while with a group of your friends, would you:

a. Order your friends to run, fighting the creatures on your own
b. Run away, leaving the other behind- every man for himself!
c. Make sure your friends got to safety
d. Cast the Patronus Spell that you learned while practising for the N.E.W.T.'s

2. If you were invisible, you would:

a. Eavesdrop on a meeting between Snape and Dumbledore to see if you could hear something to blackmail the potions master with
b. Steal the answers to every test that exists
c. Hover in the doorway of your common room, not sure what to do
d. Use it to stay in the library after hours, reading everything you can get your hands on

3. If you found a satchel of galleons, you would:

a. Find the owner
b. Spend it
c. Donate it
d. Give it to a teacher

4. The O.W.L.'s are tommorow, and you've procrastinated! You:

a. Cram, cram, cram!
b. Look at the answers that you stole
c. Hit yourself on the head for forgetting, than study as best you can
d. Who cares- you've been studying for them since you entered Hogwarts!

5. The Dueling Club has reopened! You:

a. Sign up immediatly- you want to practice all the hexes you know!
b. Take your time signing up- you don't want to appear to eager
c. Don't sign up because of what almost happened to Justin Finch-Fletchey last time
d. Go for the learning experience

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