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Mob Zone Server reset spawn / kill spawn Level Additional information
VP Dragons VP Instant/7days 65
Wuoshi WL 1day/7days 64 PB AoE Poison/Stun, PB AoE fear, sees invis
Zlandicar DN 1day/3-5days 65 AoE Poison, AoE Fear, loc neg 200, neg 300,
Severious EJ 1 day (6 hr +/-) /3 days 60 Spawn point p4000, p3000, pull up stairs to the FoB zoneline if possible; Poison based AE DD w/stun and Fear; Hits for 500+
Lord Yelinak SS 1 day/7 days 70 PB AoE magic, manadrain (cast every 30). Cheal rot at 35, lev due to slippery floor.
Sontalak WW 1 day/7 days 70 AoE dispell, self dispell. PB AoE magic dot, Targeted AoE dispell, fear. Hits for 400s, flurries often. Use Cold and magic nukes, don't dot since he dispells. Junk buff 2 counters.
Klandicar WW 1-2 days/7 days 70 PB AoE magic, fear and dispell. Rampage and doubles for 540. Tash and malo to land slow.
Dozekar the Cursed EToV/HoT 1day/7days 66 PB AoE magic, dispell, manadrain. Quads for 900s. Best strat - fight in room clerics outside healing through walls. Kill wanderers first.
Telkorenar WToV 1day/7days 66 Diepells, quads for 400s. Cheal rot of 60.
Gozzrem WToV 1day/7days 66 15 sec cold AoE dispelling 1 buff. Cold nukes
Lendiniara the Keeper WToV ?/7days 65 PB AoE magic, dispell. Perma-rooted, summons. Hits for 660, unslowable.
Ikatiar the Vennom NToV 1 day/7 days 66 Quads for 700s
Eashen of the Sky NToV 1 day/7 days 66 AoE 400, quad for 700s
Lord Vyemm NToV 1-2 days/7 days 66 PB AoE magic 100 gflux every 7-8 sec. Position with back to rocks..
Aaryonar NToV 6 hours-2 days/7 days 66 PB AoE manadrain, attack decrease 10 sec cast.
Tunare PoG 1-2days/7days 70
Cazic Thule PoF 1day/7days (plane fully repops when he respawns) 70 PB AoE knockback and snare
Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune Ssra Spawns after Rhag`Mozdezh is killed 63 AoE manatap for 1500, curse. DD stun sta loss. Perma-rooted. Rampages alot, need rampage tank and cleric.
Xerkizh the Creator Ssra ?/5-7 days 66 PB AoE reduce healing effectiveness, curse. PB AoE atk and ac decrease.
Rune Covered Serpent Ssra Instant after Taskmasters and Warden killed, spawns only if the timer for the Glyphed version has not been met./Instant/30min (no significant loots)
Glyphed Covered Serpent Ssra Instant after Taskmasters and Warden killed/3days/30min 63 PB AoE 500, Feign Death stun. Target DoT spin stun.
Rhag`Mozdezh (Rhag 2) Ssra Spawns after Rhag'Zhezum is killed 65 PB AoE dot, sta loss. Perma-rooted, hits for 575, rampages and enrages. .
Rhag'Zhezum (Rhag 1) Ssra 1 day/3 days 63 Flurries and hits for 350. Perma rooted. Procs 6 sec stun and STA loss. Use Evasive disc.
Agnarr, The Storm Lord BoT 3 days 70 AE DoT (3k dmg); AE Stun
Bertoxxulous CoD 3 days 70 AE DoT
Carprin Deatharn CoD 3 days 70 Hits for 1200s; 3500 hp lifetap proc; unslowable; 3 mini-named spawn on aggro (off tank Carprin and kill all three mini's); On death Avhi Escron spawns in next room
Coirnav, Avatar of Water PoW 7 days 75 Enrage
Fennin Ro PoFire 3 days 70 Enrage
Karana BoT 3 days 70 Enrage
Lord Mithaniel Marr HoHb 3 days 70 1 mill hp+; paladin mob; High MR, slowable (Shaman: Disease/Tugur) Guards are NOT immune to Pacification
Rallos Zek PoTactics 3 days 68 Enrage
Saryn PoTorment 3 days 70 Sorrowsong (NPC) spawns at % of Saryn life left
Tallon Zek PoTactics 3 days 68 Enrage
Terris Thule PoNb 3 days 70 Enrage, DT, AE 70% hp butterflies spawn, 50% hp AoE dispell, 40% hp gargoyles come to life; MR, slowable
Vallon Zek PoTactics 3 days 68 Enrage
Warlord Gintolaken Ragrax 77 MR, cannot see through invis
Xegony, Queen of Air PoAir 3 days 70 Enrage, 6 waves of 6 mobs every 15% of her health with a boss mob in each wave that casts AoE slow