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The Naiad Muse: Lida Online

"When we are young
Wandering the face of the earth
Wondering what our dreams might be worth
Learning that we are only immortal
For a limited time."

Welcome to my, the Naiad Muse's webpage designed for an Eshu changeling character I play online named Lida. I also play two other characters online thus far: 1.) Fianna Theurge (a werewolf) named Kenna "Sees-The-Silence" McFerral, who is played on Digital Dreaming [she and lida used to be played on the same site called Emerald Chronicles] and 2.) Liv-Eldrid my wonderful norse warrior-woman troll whom I play on Charleston by Night along with Lida.

To the fae Lida is kith eshu and she is in her early wilder years to human eyes she appears to be a teenager. As this page grows I hope to soon upload pictures of Lida and images that suit her likes and lifestyle. I also hope to include links to Lida's poetry and short stories- after all, her kith are natural story tellers and tale spinners! Other then writing Lida also enjoys exploring and wandering around by bike or foot, engaging herself in conversation at the Blues Bean Cafe, designing and making jewelery (which she often adornes herself in) and playing her drum while her chimera, Blarney- a walrus with doves wings standing about a foot and a half tall- dances in delight. To those of you who are familiar with the dreaming, come, join Lida in the dream-dance! For those confused by all you've just read I say to you: fear not! Cast away all doubts and open your other eyes to the world of the fae.....

"And when you feel life ain't worth living
You step and you take a look around and then you look up way to the sky
And when your deepest thoughts are broken
You keepin on dreamin' boy, cos when you stop dreaming it's time to die
And as we all play parts of tomorrow
Some ways will work and other ways will play
But I know we can't all stay here forever
So I wanna write my words on the face of today..... and then they'll paint it!"
-Blind Melon

Links to the World of Lida

Digital Dreaming a changeling's online hotspot!
Brian Froud and his faery art. This is the man who helped bring us The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth as well.
Some of Lida's poetry and other Writing
Here are some loose sketches that have been done of Lida's character
This is information on Lida, her interests, personality and history
Well, since I have made so much effort to include all this info on Lida, here is some stuff about me, The Naiad Muse
These are somemore pictures (like the ones found on my info page) of myself and the things I do.
This is another WoD online site. I have Liv-Eldrid, my troll, on this site along with Lida.
My Yahoo Profile Photo Album, Got Lots of Gig Pictures.
This is a website I made dedicated to my Werewolf character, Keena McFerral
