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*Lee Lee's Lil Page*

Hey ya'll! Welcome to Lee Lee's page. Made by Lee Lee, for Lee Lee. In case you didn't know already....I'm Lee Lee!

I'm basically just a crazy chick from the state of North Carolina trying to do my thing on the world wide web. Can I get a witness? Lol. If everyone else can have a page, I can too! Let's not be biased about it. Lol. I'm sure you can all tell that I am so freaking bored. Blame this page on bordom people! Bordom! Nothing more, nothing less. God, I hate days like this!
As a person I'm really fun to be around. I can find the humor in anything....ANYTHING at all. I've found the funny side of sitting in a snow bank on two flat tires, getting lost in a far off land....Lol....well, you get the picture. I feel like laughter is a weapon you were given for a reason and you should use it at all times. Got it? (Hehe)
I enjoy going on road trips with my buds, spending time with my friends, going to amusment parks and just flat out having a good time. Anything that will bring a smile....BRING IT ON! I'm all up for it.
Well, I'm currently in my second year of college at RCCC, majoring in criminal justice. From there I will transfer to UNC Charlotte where I will turn a 2 year into a 4 year and then enter the grand world of law enforcement. *Sirens in the background* Lol. I'm am so freaking estatic! I've always loved, respected and been obsessed with the law and it's officers....haha....cop fetish! Nah, all joking cannot possibly imagine how excited I am to be on the verge of joining them.
To help me be able to better understand and give my career all I've got....I'm vice president of the RCCC Criminal Justice Club. We all rock! Haha. Give it up for us 'cause we can't wait to patrol "your town." and kick evil in the ass. Woo Hoo Baby!
I wanna give some shout outs before I go! First, to my best friend Meg. You've been true girl! No one has ever or will ever take your place in my life. You've been here through it all. Through rooms that smell like salads...(Lol), through "Fee Fee", through drama, through trips to nowhere and through the happiest damn shopping sprees that anyone could ever hope for. I love you chick. You're #1 ALWAYS!
Richard! I wish you much happiness in life. You're a great friend who deserves only the best of everything. I still don't see how you survive in life being so freaking nice to everyone, but it looks good on you so go with it. Meg and I got your back. Lol.
Jessie! I wish you many, many 50 Cent look alikes! You've been a real friend to me since Jr. High and we've been to the pit of hell and back together.... so you need a "real" man to give you "real" love. Is that cool with you? Lol.
Steve! You are the greatest guy I've ever met in my entire life. My personal wish to you is that you become the greatest cop the USA has ever seen. Ok, ok....enough....let me be real with you....You rock baby! Woo Hoo! Kick evil in the ass!
Eric! You are one of my coolest and calmest friends. Everytime I'm with you it's nothing more than a lot of laughs and a lot of for you, I wish a super sweet guy who isn't too "flamin'" who will be just as deserving of you as you are of him, and hey, if you're lucky....maybe you'll get two of them. Lol. No, don't be like me! That's bad!
Eddie! You're just a freaking trip! I wish you better hair than anyone else on planet earth because you've got the style to rock hair like no one else can. I also wish that you'd magically discover that I'd love you more than Ryan ever could! Haha. Just kidding babes. I respect all that you are. Don't change for anyone or I won't wish good hair on you. K?
Joel! Two words: ENDLESS MONEY! That was soooo shallow of me wasn't it? Oh no! I should be punished. Now, don't get me wrong....I know you aren't all about money and material're also about....ummmm....well, back to the money....I wish you endless money....haha. Yea, that's it. Hugs!
Ally! I wish you everything and then some girl....even though I don't know what else you'd want or need. You have the love of your life, you have a kickin' apartment, great grades and an awesome personality. Ok...I got it now...I wish Jennifer Lopez's ass upon you. Enjoy girl! Lol. You've made Nc a brighter place, and I'll stay as long as you stay.
Tanisha! I wish for you....a man with an IQ higher than one. Lol. One who will take care of you and your beautiful daughter because you work hard, your smart, and you deserve to be livin' it up like Lil Kim.
Mike! I wish upon you the job (but please be a cop), the house (but move here), the girl (Angel rocks) and the fame (police officer of the year? *Hint, Hint) because you were made for "that kind" of life.... and I believe you can do it. If it hasn't happened by age 50...we'll go through with our origional plans and just get married. Lol.
Thanks for checking out my page. It's a work in progress so don't knock it or I'll knock you. Lol. Just kidding. I'm not even sure if it will ever be done, but sign my slambook anyway and keep it so-so real! Until you stumble here again...
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