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Magic Lark - Stories and Poems for Children

Encouraging a love of reading and imagination.

The first issue of Magic Lark will be released in Septmeber 2003.

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Encouraging a love of reading and the wonders of the imagination.

Magic Lark

The land’s like a quilt from my view up here
as I soar on a current, wind pressing feathers
close to my head. I feel like a train in the sky.

I’m called a lark and there’re stories I’m magic
because of my song and my flight. But stay patient;
I’ll share a secret you'll know from now on.

There’s a door in my head labeled imagination
I open when days go too slow. It keeps me smiling,
leads where I want it to, no matter how far away.

I’ll give you the key to the door of your own.
Take a walk, read a book, close your eyes.
It’s up to you - turn the knob and make magic.

Copyright 2003
W. Wright

If you would like to contribute poetry, fiction or creative nonfiction to Magic Lark, please email us at We are looking for well-crafted work that engages children. Our primary audience is Kindergarten through elementary school age. No payment for contributions is offered at this time. Rights are retained by the authors.
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