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hey! these are some layouts so far! i will have a TON pretty s00n so keep checkin back and sign the guestbook if u take one..or if yah just like my site ;-) Much love! *Ally
Design Lay0utz

*Lay0ut OnE-->" Purple and Black Design..with "Kiss

*Lay0ut TwO-->" Purple and Blakc Design "If your n0t the one..."

*Lay0ut ThReE-->" Light Yellow...very cute"

*Lay0ut FoUr-->" Dark Purple, and Black..starz..CuTe"

*Lay0ut FiVe-->" Really ligh blue, and brushy design."

*Lay0ut SiX-->" Black, Blue, and Purple design"

*Lay0ut SeVeN-->" black, and gold design"

*Lay0ut EiGhT-->" black, and green cute css"

*Lay0ut NiNe-->" black, small silver stars"

*Lay0ut OnE-->Blue Brushy Christina Aguilara<--MuSt SeE

*Lay0ut TwO-->Light pink Britney Spears "Not a girl not yet a women" <--MuSt SeE VeRy CuTe!!

*Lay0ut ThReE-->Cartt00n GC Ftr Avril Lavigne...really funny!"

*Lay0ut FoUr--> Red and Black GC...very cute!"

*Lay0ut FiVe-->Another Red and Black GC! cute css"

*Lay0ut SIx-->Pink Kelly Osbourne"

*Lay0utSeVeN-->Purple and Black Kelly Clarkson, MUST see....very cute!"
