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12/24/03   Lacey is late... hmmm... what is up with that??? She is regular like clockwork.

12/27/03   Did 3 home tests... all positive... guess what??? We are gunna be a Mummy and Daddy.

12/29/03   Went to the doctor today to get confirmation... Yep.. she is pregnant.

12/31/03   Off to the clinic... due date is 1st September 2004. We are 5 weeks pregnant, Lacey wants to have the baby now, she doesn't want to wait almost 8 more months. We are both so excited. Went to the baby section in Wal-Mart... looked at it all... awwww... soooo cute... bought some baby washcloths... pretty... they are. (That was a YODA quote) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

1/5/04     All is well... Lacey still has no morning sickness... she just has some sinus congestion which is a bit of a pain in the butt as she can't take anything for it. We have decided on an OB/GYN in Houma... which is about 25 mins drive away... hope the baby doesn't want out in a hurry. We just have to wait for some papers to come in the mail and then the first pre-natal visit will be in about 2 weeks. Also bought a book today... has everything in it... even scary pictures... Ian had to close it after a few pages... how will he cope in the delivery room??? Will let you know.

1/9/04    First Pre-natal visit is January 20th at 2pm.. Doctor's name is Dr. Robert Cazayoux Jr.

1/20/04   Went to the OB/GYN today... soooooo many tests... but all is well so far... back in 4 weeks on February 17th at 1pm for more paperwork and our first ultrasound.... we can't wait to see our little baby on the monitor for the first time... Lacey is still well.. no morning sickness yet either.. lucky girl.. just a little tired that's all but what else can we expect.. she is growing a bubby in her tumbly.

1/23/04   Lacey thinks she is starting to show... hope this is not an omen.. she is a faternal twin after all.. so she has a chance of having twins... stay tuned!!!!

2/2/04     All is well with Lacey right now... still has the congestion thing going on... looks like she is stuck with that for the entire pregnancy... we have a vaporizer running 24/7 in our bedroom with eucalyptus oil and all that good stuff in it so that should help. Lacey is also showing a little more and we even ordered some maternity clothes on the weekend from Old Navy... too lazy to go to the mall so just got them online... she will be so cute... will post pics when I get some for y'all.

2/6/04     The maternity clothes came in today... very cute... we got 2 pairs of jeans and 3 shirts... that should get her started... I am sure we will be buying more soon.

2/17/04   Just got back from the doctor and the first ultrasound... all is well... only 1 in there so all you twin-wanters miss out this time... the baby is 5.58cm or 2.25in and was jumping around like a Mexican jumping bean... Lacey drank some orange juice before the ultrasound like she was told by a friend and that is supposed to make the baby active... and active it was... heart rate was 154bpm... we won't know sex until the next ultrasound at 24 weeks so keep your eyes on this page in about 12 weeks for some BIG news... Doctor is leaving due date at September 1st so far... may change next appointment is March 17th. MARDI GRAS is almost here!!!! Till next time.

3/4/04    Went to the mall and bought some more maternity clothes... 3 pairs of pants and 3 shirts... very cute... now she has lots of clothes to wear... the shirts are a little big but I am sure she will fill them out soon enough... Lacey is showing even more now and she is over the congestion thing that we had going on for a while so that is great.

3/17/04   Saw the doctor today... everything going really well... we even heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time today... awwww... it was sooooo awesome... heart rate was 153 bpm... pumping like a steam train but it sounded like a UFO.. doo doo doo doo do do (X-Files theme) so we don't know if it's an alien or what!!!! We go back in another 4 weeks on April 14th... that will put her halfway through the pregnancy... wow... how time does fly... we are now awaiting the first kicks which should happen within the next 4 weeks... will let you know when it happens... Also Lacey only gained 1 pound (1/2 a kilo for you aussies) this past 4 weeks so she is happy about that.. all that walking is paying off by the looks of it... TTFN.

3/20/04   Guess what happened last night??? Lacey felt the baby for the first time... she felt the little flutter like she was told to expect and there it was... I tried feeling for it but no luck... my time will come I am sure... she said as I pressed down on her little poochy belly it moved about more... I guess it didn't like being prodded already... anyway... just had to let everyone know about that... it was great... lots of more fun ahead.

4/3/04    Just wanted to update everyone... all is going well... the baby is kicking like it already knows how to play soccer or something... Lacey has been feeling a little off every now and then but we think the baby just wants her to eat more food... Lacey is now showing alot more this past week... her little poochy belly is now a BIG poochy belly... it is soooooo cute... by the way... we will be telling everyone on this page if it is a boy or a girl... so keep your eyes on this page around 11th May for that news... that is if he/she isn't being modest and has his/her hands between his/her legs...

4/7/04   I just uploaded some pictures of Lacey on the picture page so go have a peek... the link is at the bottom of this page... A big thanks to everyone who has left a message on the Guest Book... If you haven't yet please drop us a message... we would love to hear from you... or if you have already just keep on sending us messages... we love it!!! Click here to go to the Guest Book...

4/10/04  Guess what I felt last night??? I felt the baby kick... it was awesome... I only felt it kick once but it was just amazing... there are no words to describe it... awesome awesome awesome... Happy Easter everyone...

4/14/04  Back from the doctor and once again all is well... the little bugger didn't want his/her heartbeat heard... he/she was very active and seemed like he/she was avoiding the doppler but it ended up being about 150bpm... Lacey is showing more and more each day it seems... the doctor says she should gain about 1 pound a week (1/2 a kilo) from now on... also the next appointment is in 2 weeks on the 29th April and we will be having an ultrasound so we should know the sex on that day.. yay... 2 weeks earlier than we thought... so that is going to be amazing... I haven't stopped smiling yet knowing we will know what gender our little monkey will be... we can't wait... so I promise I will update the page as soon as I can in 2 weeks and 1 day... seeya seeya...

4/29/04   Well for all you people wanting to know the big news... you have come to the right place... but before I tell you I need to let you know that the baby is well... heartbeat is at 150bpm... weighs 1 pound 2 ounces (just over half a kilo) which is bigger than average... but it surely didn't want to show us if it was a boy or a girl... but... after some pounding and wiggling on Lacey's belly and some frame rewinding on the ultrasound machine it finally spread it's legs to show us it's goods... next appointment May 27th...

5/27/04  Back from the doctor once again and all is going well... today Lacey had to do her gestational diabetes test so she had to drink this drink... she said it tasted like Pepsi... then we listened to our little monkeys heartbeat which was pounding away at 133bpm... and Lacey had her belly measured... I think it is called the fundal height... anyway... it was 29 cm... should have been 26cm coz she is only 26 weeks pregnant so either the baby is bigggggg or she is gunna go early... I guess we will see... after that fun Lacey had to give some blood after waiting an hour to check the glucose stuff in her blood... then we had to go pre-admit at the hospital and then we toured the labour ward and delivery rooms... those rooms are huge... enough for half the town... and after all that excitement we headed off to have some lunch... yummmmm... chinese... next appointment June 24th...

6/24/04  Hello again... I know it has been a whole 4 weeks since my last update but all has been going well... went to the doctor today and heard the little guys heart... beating away at 140bpm... the belly was measured and it was at 32cm so the belly says she is at 32 weeks rather than the 30 weeks that she is... back to the doctor on the 8th July... every 2 weeks now... we also signed some more paperwork... it never seems to end... but it is all worth it in the end isn't it??? Guess what else??? Lacey and my 2nd wedding anniversary is tomorrow... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE!!!! Till next time our friends...

7/8/04  Here we are at 32 weeks already... how time flies... been to the doctor today and all is groovy... the little guys heart was flying today... 150bpm... must have been the Sprite Lacey had on the way to the doc... He has been kicking hard the past week... I guess he wants to play footy already... Lacey wasn't impressed though today as she had to have a culture taken... everyone has to have it but I am sure that is not too much fun... anyway... last Sunday Lacey had a New Orleans side of the family Baby Shower... thanks for the gifts everyone... and this Sunday it's a local Baby Shower so half the town is invited... well 83 of them... almost half the town... anyway... that is all my news for today... next appointment 22nd July... be sure to check out the picture page...

7/19/04  Just wanted to let you all know that little Brennen Paul Poynten was born Saturday July 17th 2004 at 11:44am. He weighed 5 lbs 8 oz and was 19 inches long. Unfortunately, he was stillborn. We knew on Friday afternoon he had passed but Lacey had to deliver him and it took a while for the medication to do it's job. We found out that he died because the placenta detached sometime Friday morning cutting off his blood and oxygen supply. He is beautiful and Lacey says he looks exactly like a little Ian. We will have some pictures of him soon and I will post them to the web page if you would like to see him. The funeral is Thursday 22nd July 2004 at 11am. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I am sorry to have to tell all of you this sad news but I don't think I could call you all individually right now.

7/21/04   Obituary notice as per The Daily Comet Newspaper July 21st 2004

Brennen Paul Poynten, infant, a resident of Lockport, died at 11:44 a.m. July 17, 2004.
A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Holy Savior Cemetery in Lockport, with burial at the church cemetery. He is survived by his parents, Ian and Lacey Lynne Jeandron Poynten; maternal grandparents, James and Linda Bellanger and Allan and Loretta Jeandron and paternal grandparents, John and Patricia Poynten.
Falgout Funeral Home of Raceland is in charge of arrangements.

8/5/04   Sorry so long between updates but we just want to thank everyone for all the support we have received from you all over the past few weeks, for all the flowers, cards, donations, letters, phone calls and everything else which has helped us get through the loss of our little man Brennen.
We know nothing anyone could say or do would bring back our little angel but your well wishes, thoughts and prayers are making it a little easier to deal with. It has been a hard 3 weeks but we are doing well and trying to look beyond the pain and move forward.
Thanks again for everything.
Lacey, Ian & Our Little Angel Brennen

8/9/04   Here are a few pics for you all to see...


Little Brennen's Headstone



A special memory shadow box showing our little man's hand and footprints and also a lock of hair



A poem made for us by a very special person... Marla Stevens... thanks so much...


10/1/04   Hi everyone... sorry for lack of contact to you all but we haven't had the chance to contact you all individually... You will all be receiving something from us in the mail real soon... in the meantime here are 2 poems written by Ian for our little man Brennen...


Baby Brennen

I will never forget the feeling
When our lives were torn apart
No matter how hard I try
It will never leave my heart
I never got the joy
Of hearing his little cry
I never got to say hello
But only a sad goodbye
He laid very still
As I held him close to my heart
My handsome little man
Why did we have to part
The only thing I asked
Was someone to tell me why?
But no-one had the answer
Why this young life had to die.
Even though he's gone
I never will forget
The time we had together
Or the very first time we met
Baby "Brennen" knows WE LOVE him
And I know he's safe
I never will forget
That beautiful little face....


A Father's Love

I remember when you were born;
a father's joy turned to sorrow.
There was no one to smoke cigars or wet your tiny head,
no pats on the back, no 'Good on ya mate',
Just emptiness and despair.

You worry about your wife and the way that she feels
You start to hide emotions as if it isn't real.
You bottle up your feelings
Because you think that men can't cry
while all the time the hurt is tearing you up inside.

When you're back at work it's always, 'How's the wife?'
You can't tell your mates the pain cuts you like a knife.
So you learn to suffer in private, don't want to show that you can't cope
with the fact that your child's life was taken away
and you have lost all hope.

You dream of what would have been,
of playing cricket, or footy
It all hurts so much; but all you can do is smile.

Click HERE for the pictures of the growing belly...

Feel free to e-mail us at... or leave a message on our Guest Book!!!!

Last updated... Friday, October 01, 2004 08:05 PM

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