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2003 Sabbats and Full Moons

Jan. 18 Full Moon 5:48 am.
Feb. 2 Imbolc
Feb. 16 Full Moon 6:51 pm
March 18 Full Moon 5:35 am
March 20 Ostara
(Spring Equinox)
April 16 Full Moon 2:36 pm
May 1 Beltane
May 15 Full Moon 10:36 pm
June 14 Full Moon 6:16 am
June 21 Litha
(Summer Solstice)
July 13 Full Moon 2:21 pm
Aug. 1 Lammas
Aug. 11 Full Moon 11:48 pm
Sept. 10 Full Moon 11:36 am
Sept. 23 Mabon (Fall Equinox)
Oct.10 Full Moon 2:27 am
Oct. 31 Samhain
Nov. 8 Full Moon 8:13 pm
Dec. 8 Full Moon 3:37 pm
Dec. 22 Yule(Winter Solstice)

Imbolc (Major Sabbats) Date: 2 Feb.
Colors: White, Yellow, Pink
Other Names: Imbolg, Oimelc, Candlemas, Disting-tid, Feast of Brigid, Festival of Light, Feast of the Virgin, Festival of Milk, Anagantios, Feast Day of St. Blaize, St. Bridget's Day, Candlelaria.
Symbols: Candles, The Bride, Burrowing Animals, Grain Dolly, Sun Wheels.
Deities: God and Goddess as Children, All Virgin Goddesses
Activities: Candle Lighting, Searching For Signs of Spring, Gathering Stones.
Taboos: Cutting or Picking Plants.
Animals: Robin, Burrowing Animals, Sheep, Lamb, Dragon, Deer.
stones: Turquoise, Amethyst
Plants: Evergreen, Willow, Rosemary, Clover, Dill.
Meaning: Honor of the Virgin Goddess, First signs of Returning Light, Festival of Light.
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended) Chamomile, Red Clover, Rosemary, Blackberry.
Ritual Oils: Jasmine, Apricot, Carnation, Sweet Pea, Neroli, Olive.
Goddesses: All Virgin Goddesses, All Flame Goddesses, Anu (Irish), Aradia (Tuscan), Arachne (Greek), Arani (Aryan), Arianhrod (Welsh), Artio (Gaulish), Athena
(Greek), Attar (Arabic), Audhumla (Teutonic), Blaize (Breton), Branwen (Manx-Welsh), Brigid/Brid (Irish), Brynhild (Teutonic), Cardea (Roman), Dahud
(Breton-Cornish), Februa (Roman), Frimia (Teutonic), Gaia (Greek), Inanna (Sumerian), Kebehut (Egyptian),
Laufey (Teutonic), Lucina (Roman-Norse), Selene (Greek), Triduana (Scottish), Vesta (Roman).
Gods: All Dragon-Headed Gods, All Flame Gods, Bannik (Slavic), Braggi (Norse), Cupid/Eros (Greco-Roman), Dianichi (Japanese), Diancecht (Irish), Dumuzi (Sumerian), Essus (Gaulish), Februus (Roman), Pax (Roman), Trusto (Teutonic).
Lore: It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every lamp in the house- if only for a few moments. Or, light candles in each room in honor of the Sun's rebirth. Alternately, light a kerosene lamp with a red chimney and place this in a prominent part of the home or in a window.
If snow lies on the ground outside, walk in it for a moment, recalling the warmth of summer. With your projective hand, trace an image of the sun on the snow.
Food: Foods appropriate to eat on this day include those from the dairy, since Imbolc marks the festival of calving. Sour cream dishes are fine. Spicy and full-bodied foods in honor of the sun are equally attuned. Curries and all dishes made with peppers, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic, or chives are appropriate. Spiced wines and dished containing raisins- all foods symbolic of the sun- are also traditional.

Date: March 21
Colors: Grass Green, Yellow, Pink, All Pastels, Robin's Egg Blue
Other Names: Eostre's Day, Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Alban Eiber, Bacchanalia, Lady Day.
Symbols: Eggs, New Moon, Butterflies/Cocoons.
Deities: Youthful and virgile God and Goddess.
Activities: Dying Eggs, Looking for Spring Growth.
Taboos: None That I could find.
Animals: Rabbits and Snakes.
stones: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Moonstone.
Plants: Crocus, Daffodil, Jasmine, Irish Moss, Snowdrop, Ginger.
Meaning: Balance, New Life/Rebirth, Goddess and God in Youth, End of Winter (Non-Celtic), Light Overtaking Darkness.
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended)Dandelion, Egg Drinks, Hyssop, Linden.
Ritual Oils: Lotus, Magnolia, Ginger.
Goddesses: All Virgin Goddesses, All Goddesses of Love, All Moon Goddesses, All Androgynous Deities, Some Fertility Goddesses, Anna Fearina (Roman), Aphrodite (Greek), Astarte (Canaanite), Athena (Greek), Coatlicue (Aztec), Cybele (Roman), Doda (Serbian), Eostre (Teutonic), Erce (Slavic), Eriu (Irish), Flidais (Irish), Gaia (Greek), Garbhod (Irish), Hera/Juno (Greco-Roman), Ishtar (Babylonian), Iris (Greek), Isis (Egyptian), Lady of the Lake (Welsh-Cornish), Libera (Roman), Madhusri (Hindu), Ma- Ku (Chinese), Melusine (Franco-Scottish), Minerva (Roman), Moon Mother (Native American), The Muses (Greek), Ova (Greek-Etruscan), Persephone (Greco-Roman), Renpet (Egyptian), Rheda (Anglo-Saxon), Salamaona (Middle Eastern), Vesna (Slavic), Vesta (Greco-Roman), Venus (Roman).
Gods: All Gods of Love, All Moon Gods, Some Fertility Gods, All Gods of Song and Dance, Adonis (Greek), Attis (Persian), Cernunnos (Greco-Celtic), Dagda (Irish), Danh (West African), Dylan (Welsh), Gwali (Central African), The Great Horned God (European), Lord of the Greenwood (English), Mithras (Greco-Persian), Odin (Norse), Osiris (Egyptian), Ovis (Roman-Etruscan), Pan (Greek).
Lore:A traditional Vernal Equinox pastime: go to a field and randomly collect wildflowers (be sure to thank the flowers for their sacrifice before picking them). Or, buy some from a florist, taking one or two of those that appeal to you. Then bring them home and divine their magickal meanings by the use of books, your own tuition, a pendulum or by other means. The flowers you've chosen reveal your inner thoughts and emotions.
It is important at this time of renewed life to plan a walk (or ride) through gardens, a park, woodlands, forest and other green places. This is not simply excercise, and you should be on no other mission. It isn't even just an appreciation of nature. Make your walk celebratory, a ritual for nature itself.
Other traditional activities include planting seeds, working on magickal gardens and practicing all forms of herb work- magickal, medicinal, cosmetic, culinary and artistic.
Food: Foods in tune with this day (linking your meals with the seasons is a fine method of attuning with nature) include those made of seeds, such as sun flower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well as pine nuts. Sprouts are equally appropriate, as are leafy, green vegetables. Flower dishes such as stuffed naturtiums or carnation cupcakes also find their place here.

Beltane ( Major Sabbatts)

Date: 1 May

Colors: Red, Green, White, Dark Yellow
Other Names: Beltaine, May Day, Malpurgisnacht, Walpurgiseve, May Eve, Rudemas, Celtic Summer.
Symbols: Eggs, Flowers, Chalice, May Pole, Butterchurn, Flower Chaplet, May Baskets.
Deities: Marriage/Sexual Union of Deities,All Mother Goddesses.
Activities: Wrapping the May Pole, The Great Rite, Gathering Flowers.
Taboos: Giving away fire, and giving away food.
Animals: Goats, Rabbits, Honey Bees.
stones: Sapphire, Bloodstone.
Plants: Primrose, Cowslip, Hawthorn, Rose, Birch, Rosemary, Lilac.
Meaning: Union of God and Goddess, Sacred Marriage, All New Life, Fertility for ALL Living Things, End of Winter (Celtic).
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended)Burdock, Damiana, Hibiscus, Rose Hips, Saffron.
Ritual Oils: Passion Flower, Rose, Tuber Rose, Vanilla.
Goddesses: All Virgin Mother Goddesses, All Goddesses of Song and Dance, All Flower Goddesses, All Goddesses of the Hunt, All Fertility Goddesses, Aima (Hebraic),Aphrodite (Greek), Ariel (English), Artmis (Greek), Baubo (Greek), Blodewedd (Welsh), Chuang-Mu (Chinese), Cupra (Etruscan), Cybele (Greek), Damara (English), Devana (Slavic), Diana (Greek), Erzulie (Voodun), Fand (Manx-Irish), Flidais(Irish), Flora (Roman),Freya (Norse), Hilaria (Greek), Ilamatecuhtli (Aztec), Kaikibani (Polynesian), Lofn (Norse), Meilikki (Finnish), Perchta (Slavic), Prithbi (Hindu), Rainbow Snake (Aboriginal), Rhea (Cretean), Rhiannon (Welsh), Sarbanda (Shiela-na-gig Irish), Skadi (Teutonic), Tuulikki (Finnish),Var (Norse), Venus (Roman), Xochiquetzal (Aztec) .
Gods: All Gods of the Hunt, All Fertility Gods, All Gods of Love, All Young Father Gods, Arthur, King (Welsh-Cornish), Baal (Phoenician), Bel/Belanos (Celtic), Beltene Irish-Scottish), Cernunnons (Greco-Celtic), Chores (Slavic), Cupid/Eros (Greco-Roman), Faunus (Roman), Frey (Norse),Herne (Greek), The Great Horned God (European), Lono (Polynesian), Manawyddan (Welsh), Odin(Norse), Orion (Grec-Arabic), Pan (Greek), Puck (English), Robin Goodfellow (English), Telipinu (Hittite).
Lore: Weaving and plaiting are traditional arts at this time of year, for the joining together of two substances to form a third is in the spirit of Beltane.
Food: Foods traditionally come from the dairy, and dishes such as marigold custard and vanilla ice cream are fine. Oatmeal cakes are also appropriate.

Date: June 21
Colors: Blue, Green, Gold, Tan
Other Names : Summer Solstice, Midsummer, Alban Hefine, Sun Blessing, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whit Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia, Thing-Tide, St. John's Day.
Symbols: Fire, The Sun, Blades, Mistletoe, Oak Trees, Balefire, Sun Wheels, Faeries.
Deities: Father Gods, Mother Goddesses, Pregnant Deiries, Sun Gods.
Activities: Jumping Balefire, Gathering Herbs, Clan Gatherings, Well Dressing.
Taboos: Giving away fire away, Sleeping away from home, neglecting animals.
Animals: Robin/Wren, Summer Birds, Horses, Cattle.
stones: Emerald, Jade, Tiger's Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond.
Plants: Oak, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Lemon, Sandlewood, Heliotrope, Copal, Saffron, Galangal, Laurel, Yang-Yang.
Meaning: Honoring of Sun/God at his power, Saying farewell to the waxing year, Preparation for harvest, Honoring the pregnant Goddess, Beginning of waning year.
Attunement Teas:(Individually or Blended) Anise, Carrot drinks, Lemon, Nettle, Orange.
Ritual Oils: Heliotrope, Cinnamon, Sandlewood, Lavender, Orange, All Mint Oils, Lemon, Saffron.
Goddesses: All pregnant Goddesses, All young mother Goddesses, Most war Goddesses, Aine (Irish), Aestas
(Roman), Atemis (Greek), Athena (Greek), Banba (Irish), Bona Dea (Roman), Cerd (Iberian), Chup-Kamui
(Japanese), Dag (German), Damonan (Breton), Dana (Irish), Dia Griene (Scottish), Djanggawaul
Sisters (Aboriginal), Elat (Semitic), Eos (Greek), Erce (English), Eriu (Irish), Freya (Norse), Gerd
(Teutonic), Gokarmo (Tibetan), Grian (Irish), Hathor-Tiamet (Egyptian), Indra (Aryan), Isis (Egyptian),
Jord (Teutonic), Juno (Roman), Kali (Indian), Keca Aba (Russian), Kou-Njami (Siberian), Kupulo (Russian),
Mabd/Maeve (Irish), Marici (Tabetan), Mitra (Aryan), Nut (Egyptian), Olwen (Welsh), Robigus
(Roman), Sekhmet (Egyptian), Shekinah (Hebraic), Vesta (Roman), Wurusema (Hittite), Xatel-Ekwa
(Hungarian), Zoe (Greek).
Gods: All Sun Gods, Most War Gods, Most Thunder Gods, Apollo (Greco-Roman), Baal (Phoenician), Balder
(Norse), Bochica (South American), Chacol (Mayan), Dagda (Irish), Donnus (Irish), Dharma (Aryan), El
(Semitic), Hadad (Syrian), Helios (Greek), Hyperion (Greek), Ganges (Indian), Gwydion (Welsh), Legba
(Voodun), Llew (Welsh), Lugh (Irish), Maui (Polynesian), Oak/Holly King (Anglo-Celtic), Orunjan
(Yourban), Prometheus (Greek), Ra (Egyptian), Sol/Helios (Greco-Roman), Thor (Norse), Upulero
(Indonesian), Xiuhtecutli (Aztec), Zeus (Greek).
Lore: Litha is practically the classic time two perform magick of all kinds. Healings, love magick and protections are especially suitable. Herbs can be dried over the ritual fire if you're celebrating outdoors. Leap the fire for purification and renewed energy.
Food: Fresh fruits are standard fair for Litha, such as summer squash, lemons and oranges.

Date:1 Aug.
Colors: Red, Gold, Yellow, Green, Orange, Citrine
Other Names: Lughnasadh, Lughnasa, Festival of Green Corn, First Harvest, Ceresalia, August Eve, Elembiuos, Feast of Cardenas.
Symbols: Corn, All Grains, Bread, Full Moon, Wheat.
Deities: Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses.
Activities: Baking Bread, Gathering First Fruits, Astrology.
Taboos: Not Sharing Food.
Animals: Roosters, Calves.
stones: Yellow Diamond, Peridot, Citrine.
Plants: Corn, Rice, Wheat, Ginseng, Rye.
Meaning: Honoring the Parent Deities, Honoring the Sun Gods, Celebrating First Harvest.
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended) Alfalfa, Corn Silk, Golden Seal.
Ritual Oils: Eucalyptus, Corn, Safflower.
Goddesses: All Grain Deities, All Mother Goddesses, All Livestock Goddesses, Aine (Irish), Alphito
(Irish), Ashnan (Sumerian), Cabria (Phoenician), Carmen (Italio-Iberian), Ceres (Roman), Chicomecoatl
(Aztec), Damia (Greek), Demeter (Greek), Frey (Norse), Goddess of Mundus (Norse-Celtic), Habondia
(German-Celtic), Hani-Yasu-NoKami (Japanese), Ishtar (Babylonian), Kait (Hittite), Kornjunfer (German), Libera (Roman), Marcia (Italian), Mama Alpa
(Incan), Morgay (English), Nisaba (Chaldaean), Persephone (Greek), Pirua (South American), Po Ino Nogar (Cambodian), Qocha Mana (Hopi), Robigo (Roman),
Saning Sri (Japanese), Selu (Cherokee), Taillte (Irish), Tailltiu (Welsh-Scottish), Tea (Irish), Tuaret (Egyptian), Uti Haiti (Pawnee),
Zaramama (Peruvuan), Zytniamatka (Teutonic).
Gods: All Father Gods, All Grain Deities, All Livestock Gods, Athtar (Pheonician), Bes (Egyptian),
Bran (Welsh), Dagon (Pheonician), Ebisu (Japanese), Ghanan (Mayan), Howtu (Chinese),
Liber (Roman), Lono (Polynesian), Llew (Welsh), Lugh (Irish), Neper (Egyptian), Odin (Norse),
Xochipilli (Aztec). Lore: It is appropriate to plant the seeds from the fruit consumed in ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant with love and as a symbol of your connection with the God and Goddess.
Wheat weaving (the making of corn dollies, etc.) is an appropriate activity for Lughnasadh. Visits to fields, orchards, lakes and wells are also traditional.
Food: The foods of Lughnasadh include bread, blackberries and all berries, acorns (Leached of their poisons first), crabapples, all grains and locally ripe produce. A cake is sometimes baked, and cider is used in place of wine.

Date: Sept 21
Colors: Brown, Orange, Violet, Maroon, Russet, Deep Gold
Other Names: Autumn Equinox, Fall Equinox, Second Harvest, Festival of Dionysus, Wine Harvest, Alban Elfed, Cornucopia.
Symbols: Grapes, Wine, Vines, Garland, Gourds, Burial Cairns, Rattles, Horn of Plenty, Indian Corn, Sun Wheels.
Deities: Wine Deities, Aging Deities.
Activities: Wine making, Adorning Graves.
Taboos: Passing burial sites and not honoring the dead.
Animals: Dogs, Wolves, Birds of Prey.
stones: Amethyst and Yellow Topaz.
Plants: Vines, Ivy, Hazel, Cedar, Hops, Tabacco.
Meaning: Celebrating the second harvest, balance, honoring the aging deities, honoring the spirit world, darkness overtaking light, celebration of wine.
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended) All berries, grape drinks, heather, hops, sassafras.
Ritual Oils: Apple blossom, hay/straw, black pepper, patchouly.
Goddesses: All Grape-Berry Goddesses, All fruit-Vegetable Deities, Akibimi (Japanese), Anapurna
(Indian), Cessair (Welsh), Epona (Celtic-Gaulish), Harmonica (Greek), Lilitu (Semitic), Mama Allpa
(Peruvian), Modron (Welsh), Morgan (Welsh-Cornish), The Muses (Greek), Nikkal (Canaanite), Ningal
(Sumerian), Ninkasi (Sumerian), Pamona (Roman), Rennutet (Egyptian), Sin (Irish), Snake Women
(Aboriginal), Sophia (Greco-Hebriac), Sura (Indian).
Gods: All Wine Gods, All Non-Grain Harvest Gods, All Gods of Fruits, All Gods of Abandonment, Dionysus
(Roman), Bacchus (Greek), Haurun (Canaanite), Hermes (Greek), The Great Horned God (European), Hotei
(Japanese), Iacchus (Greco-Tuscan), Mabon (Welsh), Orcus (Roman), Thoth (Egyptian).
Lore: A traditional practice is to walk in wild places and forests, gathering seed pods and dried plants. Some of these can be used to decorate the home; others saved for future herbal magick.
Food: The foods of Mabon include grains, fruits and vegetables, especially corn. Cornbread is traditional fair, as are beans and baked squash.

Date: Oct 31 Colors: Black, Orange and Red
Other Names: Halloween, Hallowmas, All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead, Feast of Spirits, Third Harvest, Samonios, All Saint's Eve, Martinmas, Celtic New Year, Samhuinn, Celtic Winter, Samana, Festival of Pamona, Vigil of Saman, Hallowe'en, Vigil of Todos, Santos.
Symbols: Jack-o'-Lantern, Balefire, Besom, Masks, The Cauldron, Waning Moon.
Deities: All Crone Goddesses, The Dying/Dead God
Activities: Divination, Past-life Recall, Spirit Contact, Meditation, Drying Winter Herbs.
Taboos: Travel after dark, Eating grapes or berries.
Animals: Bats, Cats, and Dogs
stones: Obsidian, Onyx, Carnelian
Plants: Apple, Mugwort, Gourds, Sage, Allspice, Catnip
Meaning: Wisdom of Crone, Death of God, Reflection on our place in the Wheel of the Year, Honoring of the Dead, End of Summer, New Year (Celtic), Celebrating Reincarnation.
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended) Apple Cider, Angelica, Catnip, Indian Hyppo, Sage, Valerian
Ritual Oils: Frankincense, Basil, Yarrow, Lilac, Ylang-Ylang, Camphor, Clove
Goddesses: All Crone Goddesses, Al-llat (Persian), Babd (Irish), Bebhionn (Irish), Brunhilde (Teutonic),
Carlin (Scottish), Cerridwen (Welsh-Scottish), Devanyani (Indian), Edda (Norse), Eris (Greek), Frau
Holde (Teutonic), All Under World Goddesses, Baba Yaga (Russian), Bast (Egyptian), Bronach (Irish),
Caillech/Cailleac (Irish-Scottish), Cassandra (Greek), Crobh Dearg (Irish), Dolya (Russian), Elli
(Teutonic), Fortuna (Greco-Roman), Frigga/Frey (Norse), Hakea (Polynesian), Hel (Norse), Inanna
(Sumerian), Kali (Hindu), Kele-De (Irish), Macha (Irish), Mari (Hindu), Marzana (Slavic), Nicnevin
(Anglo-Scottish), Psyche (Greek), Remati (Tibetan), Zorya Vechernaya (Slavic), Hecate (Greek), Husbishag
(Semitie), Ishtar (Babylonian), Kalma (Finnish-Yugoritic), Lilith (Hebrew), Mara (Persian),
Mari-Ama (Norse), The Morrigu/Morrigan (Celtic), Pamona (Roman), The Queen of Elphame (Scottish), Rhiannon (Welsh).
Gods: All Death Gods, All Aged Gods, All Underworld Gods, Am-Heh (Egyptian), Arawn (Welsh), Corn Father
(Native American), Coyote Brother (Native American), Dis (Roman), Eite-Ade (Etruscan), Ghede
(Voodun), Hades (Greek), Heimdall (Norse), The Great Horned God (European), Kronos/Cronus (Greco-
Phoenician), Loki (Norse), Maderha (Lapp), Nefertum (Egyptian), Odin (Norse), Pluto (Greco-
Roman), Rangi (Maori), Samana (aryan), Sekhet (Egyptian), Woden (Teutonic), Xocatl (Aztec).
Lore: It is traditional on Samhain night to leave a plate of food outside the home for the souls of the dead. A candle placed in the window guides them to the lands of eternal summer, and burying apples in the hard-packed earth "feeds" the passed ones on their journey.
Food: For food, beets, turnips, apples, corn, nuts, gingerbread, cider, mulled wines and pumpkin dishes are appropriate, as are meat dishes (If you are not vegetarian. If so, tofu seems ritually correct).

Date: Dec 22
Colors: Red, Green, White, Gold
Other Names: Midwinter, Sun Return, Alban Arthan, Pagan New Year, Satunalia, Winter Solstice, Finn's Day, Yuletide, Festival of Sol, Great Day of the Cauldron, Festival of Growth.
Symbols: Evergreen Trees, Yule Log, Holly, Eight-Spoked Wheel, Wreaths, Spinning Wheels.
Deities: Newborn God, Triple Goddess
Activities: Decorating Yule Tree, Gifts in Memory of Deceased, Storytelling.
Taboos: Extinguishing Fire, Travel.
Animals: Stags, Squirrels, Wren/Robin
stones: Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet
Plants: Holly, Mistletoe, Evergreens, Poinsettia, Bougainvillaea, Tropical Flowers, Bay, Pine, Ginger, Valerian, Myyrh.
Meaning: Rebirth of God, Honor of the Triple Goddess, Return of Sun and Waxing Year, New Year (Non-Celtic).
Attunement Teas: (Individually or Blended) Cinnamon, Mullein, Willow Bark, Yarrow.
Ritual Oils: Rosemary, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Saffron, Cedar/Pine, Wintergreen, Ginger.
Goddesses: All Spinning Goddesses, Albina (Tuscan), Angerona (Roman), Anna Perenna (Roman), Befana
(Italian), Brigitte (Voodun), Changing Woman (Apache), Eve (Hebraic), Fortuna (Roman), Frey (Norse), Gaia
(Greek), Hannah (Sumerian), Heket (Egyptian), Kefa (Egyptian), Lilith (Hebraic), Lucina (Italian), Ma'at
(Egyptian), Metzli (Aztec), Nox (Roman), NuKua (Chinese), Pandora (Greek), Pax (Roman), Shekinah
(Hebraic-Gnostic), Spinning Woman (Native American), Thea (Greek), Tiamat (Babylonian), Virgin Mary
(Christian-Gnostic), Yachimato-Hime (Japanese), Zvezda (Slavic).
Gods: All Re-Born Sun Gods, Aker (Egyptian), Apollo (Greco-Roman), Attis (Egyptian-Phoenician), Balder
(Norse), Braggi (Norse), Cronos (Greek), Father Sun (Native American), Helios (Greek), Hyperion (Greek),
Janus (Roman), Jesus (Christian-Gnostic), Lugh (Irish), Maui (Polynesian), Mitra (Aryan), Mithras
(Persian), Ngau (Maori), Nurelli (Aboriginal), Oak/Holly King (Anglo-Celtic), Odin (Norse), Ra
(Egyptian), Saturn (Roman), Sol (Roman), Ukko (Finnish-Yugoritic), Yachimata-Hiko (Japanese).
Lore: One traditional Yuletide practice is the creation of a Yule tree. This can be a living, potted tree which can later be planted in the ground, or a cut one. The Choice is yours.
Appropriate Wiccan decorations are fun to make, from strings of dried rosebuds and cinnamon sticks (or popcorn and cranberries) for garlands, to bags of fragrant spices which are hung from boughs. Quartz crystals can be wrapped with shiny wire and suspended from sturdy branches to resemble icicles. Apples, oranges, and lemons hanging from boughs are strikingly beautiful, natural decorations, and were customary in ancient times.
Many enjoy the custom of lighting the Yule log. This is a graphic representation of the rebirth of the God within the sacred fire of the Mother Goddess. If you choose to burn one, select a proper log (traditionally of Oak or Pine). Carved or chalk a figure of the Sun (such as a rayed disk) or the God (a horned circle or a figure of a man) upon it, with a white-handled knife, and set it alight in the fireplace at dusk on Yule. As the log burns, visiualize the Sun shining within it and think of the coming warmer days.
Food: As for food, Nuts, Fruit such as Apples and Pears, Cakes of Carraways soaked in Cider, and (for non-vegetarians) pork are traditional fare.