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G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more

G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more

I told you this is the one and only special Animes Site ! You can even choose your own background music from different animes or singers ! So , what are you waiting for ? Choose one from the followings ! Just click on the sentence and the music will load by itself ! I will try to add more songs as soon as possible ! Have a great tour around my website !! ..............................................
  • Click here to hear Just Communication From Gundam Wing
  • Click here to hear White Reflection From Gundam Wing
  • Click here to hear Resolution From Gundam Wing
  • Click here to hear Rhythmemotion From Gundam Wing
  • Click here to hear Star Song From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Shooting Stars From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Rainy Day From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear My Blue From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Sailor R From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear More Beautiful Morning from Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Heart Move From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Koibito From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Power Of Love from Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Moon Box From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Moon Light From Sailor Moon
  • Click here to hear Catch you catch me from cardcaptors
  • Click here to hear 告解
  • Click here to hear 跳傘
  • Click here to hear 假如讓我說下去
  • Click here to hear 十指緊扣
  • Click here to hear 逃避你
  • Click here to hear 風箏與風
  • Click here to hear 明愛暗戀補習社
  • Click here to hear 爭氣
  • Click here to hear 有一個姑娘
    Welcome To The Any Animes Website ! 歡迎各位來臨 Any Animes Website ! ! Please sign my guestbook !
    Today is : You are visitor number : Counter
    This website was made on Saturday , Jan , 4 , 2003
    Site's owner : Koty
    Helped or made Designs for this Website : Koty ( *~Princess Sakura~* ) , Queenie ( ~*SaKuRa*~ ) , Pinky , Candy , Jeanette and Michael ( Pickle )
    Let Me Introuduce Myself ! Hello to All Visitors ! My real name is none other than Koty ! You can call me by my nick name , which is ~*Princess Sakura*~ ! Nice To Meet U all ! I made this website just for fun . Thanks to Pinky ( my cousin )'s help , this site is finally open ! Please , make yourself at home and please take a look around ! P.S - Please sign my GuestBook !
    這是我第一次做的網站 。如果有什麼錯誤的話,各位請多多原諒﹗請多多指教 !
    Anyways ~~~ As you all know that this is my first time website eh ? Ya , I have my own site button but it might don't look good . Please don't laugh !! Please choose a link to attend to !
  • Surprise 1
  • Eprisodes List ( 故事劇情 )
  • Surprise 2
  • Charaters ( 人物介紹 )
  • Surprise 3
  • Pictures ( 圖片 )
  • Surprise 4
  • Moving Gifs ( 動畫圖片 )
  • Surprise 5
  • Tests ( 測驗 )
  • Surprise 6
  • My Friend's Websites ( 我 D friends 的網頁 )
  • Surprise 7
  • A little bit about the site owner ( 網頁站長的介紹 )
    If you ask me , I like my moving gifs page the most ! I spend most of my time on it ! Well , not as much as on my front page ! I really worked hard for this website ! I really hope you will like it and will be so kind that you will also sign my guestbook while you are here ! Please Sign my Guest Book !
    Do You Like My WebSite ??
    Yes Of Course ! No ! Is horrible ! May Be SoNone of your business !I have no idea
    Please Click The Bottom Puff Image To E-mail Me If You Have Any Questions or any advances for my website !! Please e-mail me to give me some thoughts that u have for my web site ! It will really help me to improve this site if you tell me what you like and what u hate about my page! I have already recieved about 15 e-mails from my friends and visitors from my website ! Please just stop siting there looking at my website ! Instead , just press a few buttons so I can improve this site ! My webpage's denstiny is noe depands on your hands now ! P.S -" Please Put some money in my pocket ! "- this is a chinese phrase . It makes more scence in chinese ! Anyways , Thank you so much for visiting my site ! I hope u all a wonderful day or night ! ByeBye !
    ~ Koty ~

    為了 this website , I exspecially made this chinese web part for fun ! The phrases below are all made up by me . HeHe ! You might need to use some of these words or phrases for something !

    使命與友誼間! 可怕的事實 ! = Between mission and friendship ! The scary truth !

    消失的星星! 希望之光的誕生 ! = The disappeared star ! The light of hope is born !

    託與星星的夢與浪漫!光芒之蝶舞動之時,惡夢終結的時候 ! = Depand on the star for dream and romace ! When the butterflies of hope fly , is the time when the bad dreams end !

    星星光芒力量! 惹起騷動的大追縱! = The star's light power ! Graded hold of alot of attention !

    召喚星之光芒!憑曲寄信心 = call upon the light of the stars ! Depand on song to tell u my bravery !

    是敵是友? 命運之星的流動 ! = is friend or not friend ? The star of destiny is slipping !

    惡夢花散落之時!無盡頭的魔界之戰! = When the bad dream's flower slowly fall ! The never ending fight of evil !

    銀河支配者的威脅 ! 太空的重大危機 ! = The world's master's threat ! The univer is in great danger !

    最終的決戰 ! 命運的一夜! = The very last fight ! The night of destiny !

    光芒之蝶舞動之時! 新衝擊的預感 ! = When the butterflies of hope fly ! A new set of feeling appeared !

    為了愛 ! 命運之星的流動 ! Because of love ! The star of destiny is slipping !

    希望之光! 月光照耀銀河! = The light of hope ! The Moon Light Illuminates the Galaxy !

    Hamtaro saying:
    Ever wondered which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you hadn't?, or Saying nothing and wishing you had? I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them. If you do, they might break your heart, if you don't, you might break theirs..... Have u ever decided not 2 become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own. when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to.Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you? Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all. Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid, afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, >>afraid of what will be But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger. Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had. * What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye? *What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there? *What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? (even if it is that you don't care anymore) *What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them? *What would you do if you never got the chance to say I am friends with all of my family and they know I love them? * People live, but people die. And I want to tell you that you are a friend. If you died tomorrow (God Forbid), you would be in my heart. Would I be in yours? If you care about me as much as I care about you, you will send this back You might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year, don't talk that often the next, anddon't want to talk at all the year after that. So, I just wanted to say, even if Inever talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life, Ilook up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend, someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all, just remember this e-mail and takecomfort in knowing somebody out there cares about you and .. always will..I LOVE YOU!!!!

    Do you want to know what your names means ? Then you have come to the right section !! More will be coming soon !
  • Alice
    Alice means Loyal , Alice is a very conferdences person . She cares for everythings that's around her .
  • Amy
    Amy means love by everyone . Amy loves to talk , she is a open person and has alot of friends .
  • Bonnie
    Bonnie means nice and sweet . Bonnie likes to commuicate with other people , but they give up easily .
  • Brenda
    Brenda means a evil person . Brenda contains alot of talents in art . They like to following their's heart and don't like people bossing them around .
  • Candy
    Candy means pure . Candy always mind how people thinks about her . They are very good friends if you treat them nicely .
  • Cecillia
    Cecillia means lost . Cecillia always wants everything to be perfect . They have great leadership skills , their biggest wish is peace for their's family .
  • Elaine
    Elaine means shrine bright . Elaines are always happy and has a smile on their face . They are strong and do not give up easily .
  • Doris
    Doris means the angel of the ocean . Doris gets nervous very easily . Her view of love life and works has to be all perfect .
  • Daisy
    Daisy means wild woman . Daisy is a very grown up person .In their's love , family always comes before any other things .
  • Emily
    Emily means not lazy . Emily also has great leadership skills and is good at self - employ .
  • Faye
    Faye means little angel . Faye has a great attuide . They can get mad easily sometimes .
  • Flora
    Flora means angel of flowers . Flora is good when it comes to choosing friends . They know what they wants and meeds and what are best for them .

  • Grace
    Grace means royal . Grace is a nice and kind hearted girl . They never mind what people says about them ! They only believe what they wanted to believe .

  • Michelle
    Michelle means angel . Michelle can be careless sometimes but they knows how to cheer up people when they are sad and down .

  • Winnie
    Winnie means peace . Winnie love to thinks about things . When they set a goal , they will do everything that they can to reach that goal .

  • Kenneth / Kenny / Ken
    Kenneth / Kenny / Ken means famous . They are vey smart at works but can really be stupid at choosing girl friend .

  • Michael / Mike / Mick
    Michael / Mike / Mick means not a normal person . They loves to except new challenges . They don't like to trap inside a room or no personally space for them to do their's own things .
  • Anthony
    Anthony means hero . They like freedom . They can never stay in the same place for long .
  • Brian
    Brian means power . Brian is funny and kind . They are smart at making decisions .
  • Pinky
    Pinky means gentle and sweet , they usually dosen't talk much because they are shy but they makes a really good friend !

    Below that you might wish to see ............ Do you know what it is ? Well , good luck !
    白羊座 ~ They like to acept challenges to prove that they are strong . They can be over reacted sometimes but they cares about everything !!
    金牛座 ~ They are always full of energy which with attracted an opposite sex . But they can be shy sometimes .
    雙子座 ~ They like to laugh and make everyone around them to be happy . They can also be shy sometimes and they are always willing to share their's feeling with others .
    巨蟹座 ~ They loves to dream and love to make friends with others . But they don't know how to commuincate with others well which may lead them into an lonely life .
    獅子座 ~ Their love life will affect their job . They don't like loud noises which will makes them mad .
    處女座 ~ Whenever they set on goal , they will do their best and are willing to do anything inorder to reached their goal !
    天秤座 ~ They are usually very handsome or pretty because they are born that way . They are smart but sometimes they are TOO smart which will lead them into really BIG troubles !!
    天蠍座 ~ They are all very lucky , well born lucky . They have alot of talents in self - employing and they are very serises in their's love lives .
    人馬座 ~ They are very good at many sports . They can really commuincate with other people witch let them makes alot of friends !
    山羊座 ~ You can say that they are very good at making people happy because they really know how and when to say what !!
    水瓶座 ~ They likes to hang out after dark . They likes to make friends but no one actually likes them because they can go really mad at something little .
    雙魚座 ~ They are very busy people . They don't like other people messing with their's love life . They can be over protected sometimes ! They like their own spaces so much that they will even go down the basement inorder to be alone !!