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*QuOtes Get yOu thrOugh the day When nO1 Else knOws what ur Going through*

Ok ! im already working on a new layout cuz i dont like this one! lol its gonna be an IFRAME layout..i hope i can get it to look good! haha i put the tag board back up..plz dont chat in it and be nice!! other than that also check out my new graphic site here. thats all for now! :)

GRAPHIC SITE IS NOW OPEN!! lots more stuff to add tho but check it out for here. IdN what im doing with this site yet! ima have to work on each n every page now since im hosted. *YAY* but ill try and add updates to keep you guys sane LoL!! so be patient more to come!!

GREAT NEWS !!!!!1 I GOT HOSTED!! YAY!!!! WHICH MEANS...NO POP UPS n no gay advertising...!! thanks to my wonderful new host amii shes so nice..agh! im excited!! so idn if im gonna update nething new for a a LOT of work ahead of me..but maybe soon!! OH and thank you all for behaving youselves!! lol i really appreciate it!!

Okay. Now i can see why katy left. You all LOVE to cause drama and your already getting on my nerves as well. You all can talk all you a diffrent person..i actually laugh at you all who think you know $h!t. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! im a NEW owner whos planning on NEW things for this site. But if you all keep this up i WILL close it down. If you have a problem with me or now MY site e-mail me..dont start crap here. I wont have it. i will take down the tag-board if this continues as well as this site. For the girl with saying "oh well idn if shes the same person..thats a lot of passwords to give out" THERES ONLY 1 PW FOR EACH PAGE! ITS NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT! AND YEA IT SAYS ALLYS GB CUZ SHE WAS THE FIRST OWNER N NO1S CHANGED IT!!!!!!! i really DO hope i sound bitchy cuz im tired of this already..drop it or this sites gone..i was gonna update today but i guess not now..dont keep this crap up.

YAY!!!!! the layouts done on the graphic site!! n aww its soo cute! i love it & hope u guis do! ITS PINK! woot!! and sorry about the tag board! theres something wrong with the tag board site..its doin that everywhere n hopefully they get it fixed!! n im adding content to the graphic site now and i might add more to this one later if im not busy!! :o)

hey yall! I added 3 quotes pages! Love Quotes Page 47 and Sad love pages 3 & 4!! Other than that ive been working on the graphic site all day! what a pain!! argh!! If anyone has any graphics that they like to donate..that would be greatly appriciated!! And will get full credit! so if you do send it to my personal email >! ill prolly add more stuff tomarrow on this site..oh and thinking of putting the "Love" and "Sweet" quotes together! what do you guis think? Ok thats all for now! Have FuN!

OK!! ive been working on this site for 2 days now!!i added a LOT!! you guys can pick ur music!!!! yay!! ...also im having problems with the fades =\ so once i get those figured out ill add them!! uhm besides that just look for the little blinkie for all the new stuff! and ill add lots more soon! as of now im working on the NEW graphic site! Hit the tag-board on ur way out!!


Hey everyone!! Well Hellz-Angelz has a new owner! that would be me! (kandi) I will take care and update this site as much as possible. So all i ask is patience in return. Ive got TONS of quotes and graphics for the other site im working on..but this one is my first priority.If youd like to donate anything please send it to so far ive changed the colors and a new layout look for the message board!, New colors for the sex board and a new board called the "Talk Board" which u all can use for anything other than site related or sex related thought or questions or anything else. Glitter requests n other requests will be on the graphic site. Umm other than that i decided to open early..just cause so many people were asking me re-doin all the pages that katy didnt and just trying to make it look pretty! =) Ill be adding quotes soon and i added 1 page of quote AIM Fades! Thats all for now! but ill be working on this site everyday until school starts which is August 26th for me..and ill see what i can do from then! Thanks!!

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