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Ryan Kalani Makanui-Calhoun

Calhoun 18 years old as of May 30th 2029, his Father raised him after his Mother died after birth. His Father taught and raised him in the Cultists ways. In 2029 and Nephandist by the name of Jessica Heron use to be one of a well known Cultist until she was hurled into the Nephandist position when the council put herr on probation for some things done but we won't get into that. The Destiny of Kalani in that time was to bring down the rein of the Nephandi before it became too serious in the future. Lance knew this and so did the Nephandist being Masters in Time and Correspondence among other things. Lance protected Kalani as best he could. To protect Kalani he sent him into the past 2014 to be exact of course the Nephandi was sure to follow. But something happened that wasn't expected...Kalani awakened to the ways of the Cultists having learned from his father, but in return forgot all of his memories...A price he would give to return.
