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aPagan Wayg

by  Jas'Ranaw






Opening: Welcome all ye who come to worship the old gods in the old ways.  As in days of old, the ceremony of Witchcraft begins with the ringing of the bell, the lighting of the candles, and the opening of the book.




Besom T


           Besom Besom long and lithe, Made From ash and willow withe

                Tied with tongs of willow bark, In running stream at moonset dark

                With Pentagram Indited, As the ritual Fire is Lighted.

                Sweep the Circle Deosil, Sweep out evil, Sweep out ill

                Make ye round of the ground where ye do ye lady's will.

                Besom Besom Witches Broom, Sweep out spirits, sweep out doom.

                Rid ye lady's Hallowed Ground, of demons imps and hells red hounds

Then stand thee down on her green earth By running stream or Mistress hearth.Till called upon for sabboths rite to cleanse once more ye dancing site.  All around to guard us all, From Evil's Might!





HP Lights the Cardinal Points



Anointing:  “By the Sacred Names of the Lord and Lady, Blessed Be” said to the priest as she anoints him and gives him a kiss. The HP then anoints the first coven mate saying the same to her and so on. 





Consecrations:  all elementals are circled 3 times deosil marked with an invoking pentagram and circled again 3 times deosil followed by the following sayings.



HPS:  I exercise thee oh creature of Water by the sacred names known and unknown, that ye be clean and pure for use in our rites.


HPS:  I exercise thee oh creature of Earth by the sacred names known and unknown, that ye be clean and pure for use in our rites.


HP:  I exercise thee oh creature of Air by the sacred names known and unknown, that ye be clean and pure for use in our rites.


HP:  I exercise thee oh creature of Fire by the sacred names known and unknown, that ye be clean and pure for use in our rites.



Casting of the Circle: HPS: By My True Will, One time around, In the names of the Mighty ones, I hallow this ground.  Between the worlds, our spirits be as we do will, so Mote it BE!


Casting the Elemental Circles: Echoed by A female and male coven member.


        By water and Earth

        By Fire and Air

        2 times around

        3 Times around

        In the name of the Lady

        In the name of the Lord

        I hallow this ground

        I hallow this ground

        Before her Must

        Before him must

        All evil flee

        All evil flee

        As is her will

        As is his will

        So Mote it Be!



HPS calls the Quarters:   HPs draws and Invoking u



         “Hail to the Watch Towers of the _________ and the element of ________.  Join us and protect us tonight in our Ritual of Lammas.”






Inviting the mighty ones:



Oh Great Primal Passion, oh lords of light, lords of love, goddess of compassion, goddess of the hunt, we invited you to our circle between the world of the living and the realm of the gods, may you dance wild and free in our rites as we bow before you.



Lammas ~  The Farewell From the Goddess



Hail Might Pagan Folk! As I prepare my journey to the underworld and bid ye farewell, I ask that ye all take pleasure, and prosperity in the gifts of our coming harvest.  Know that even in the darkest parts of winter and the most baren of times, you remain in my heart, and I love you always.  Remembering, that soon I shall return and the fires of the bale shall burn bright again.  I bid you farewell and leave you in the care and protection of my consort, The Horned One.  Let us rejoice in the Reign, and dance for the bounty of the Harvest.



HPS: (sings) Hoof and Horn, Hoof and Horn all the dies shall be reborn, Corn and Grain Corn and Grain all that dies shall rise again.


Coven : We all come from the godess and to her we shall return, like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean. 


Both echo each other and dance




HP:  Mighty Pagan Folk, the gifts of the harvest shall be bountiful and I hope to keep you safe in the coming winter, May ye all bid the Godess fare well as we rejoice in her honor with our feast.



Hp and Hps perform cakes and wine and the hps places his athame in the godess cup.



Hp pours wine into godess cup



Hps: bless this wine oh great god and goddess so that when we drink of it we think of all things wild and free.



Hps blesses cookies


Cakes and Wine








Hps: I thank they mighty ones for attending our ritual of Lammas this evening, may you depart to your heavenly realms we bid you hail and farewell



Hps: closes the Quarters


       “Hail to the Gaurdians of the watch towers of the ____ and the element of _______ thank you for joining us in our ritesm we bid you hail and fare well”




       Let us not be discordant in the faith

       But contrive to honor the great mother and her consort

       In which way we have been taught.

       Remembering that perhaps one day we will know more

       And realize we who know so very much, know so very little

       We are the Circle within the circle

       Links in the circle of life

       Without us, the gods cannot be

       And without the gods, we cannot be.


Hp (extinquishes the candles)


       What has here been made, is now unmade

       What has gone unbroken, must here now fade.


Hps: AS in days of old the Cerimony of witch craft ends with the closing of the book, the extinquishing of the flames, and the ringing of the bell



Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again!!!

