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Illusions Palace

Great Sites to See

Alex's Site
Bennett's Site
Alex's 2 Cents
My old blog
Green City ~ My New Blog
3D pong-the most addicting game on the internet

HAIL TO THE KING!! Welcome to the Illusions Palace! Below you'll see me, enveloped in a magical cloud of power.

We have found real proof that the King of Ippi exists!! For a long time the title "King of Ippi" has been abreviated as "KOI". As many of you know, a koi is a type of fish. THEREFORE, The King of Ippi is also the fish! And anyone who remembers the song "blow blow thou winter wind", solo by Chris Cochran, you may also remember the words "thy tooth is not so keen, Mr. Jones is the fish!" This has been brought to our attentions by none other then Erik himself! Erik, of all people, has figured out who the King of Ippi is!

Proof that there IS a King of Ippi
