.:.Welcome To Phoenix Learning Acadamy Of Witchcraft And Wizardry!.:.

At Phoenix Learning Acadamy, our main goal is to educate young witched and wizards, making you special talents individual and unique. Here, if you have the talent to join, you will be given timetables and expected to attend lessions accordingly.
We will be learning many spells, study the skys at sunday nights at midnights, and, play quiditch, earn and loose house points, attend feasts, earn gallions, and visit one of the two only pure wizarding villages in the world, called Socara. You will attend balls, meals and attend quiditch matches, as well as attend sorting each year. You shall have the opportunity to participate in triwizard tournaments if you are 3rd year or above, as the tasks have been made slightly less dangerous.
You will be sorted into houses when you fill out this form. Then, you may go do as you please, although you are expected in class on time! I hope you make us proud and some day become minister/mistress of magic. Now go on, theres plenty to do! You must be up bright and early in the morning to eat some breakfast before class!!
Oh yes, i forgot to tell you! Click
here to tell us you wish to attend our fine acadamy of learning!
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