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Prof. R. Hagrid

-You walk up to Hagrid's Hut and decide to knock- -You wait patiently for Hagrid and suddenely hear him call out- "Who's there?" -You state your name- -Hagrid opens the door and says...- "'Ello. Please, come in and look around."

Yup, this is my site. My first site done with HTML, that is. Thank you, Mandy, for giving me the code resources. By the way, sign my guestbook. Or else I'll feed you to the skrewts!
Send me an owl at:!

Updates Box

Well, I was thinking about putting up an updates page, but I think this updates box would do better. Well, yeah, I added this box here and I'm changing the color design. It origanally was the backgroud color was dark orange and the text was black. Now I'm reversing it. It looks a little halloweenish, don't you think? Well, that's all for today!

A while ago...(forgot date)
Well, I put a new counter up. The other one was too big. Now I have the smallest one I could find. lol I also added an inlive thing. It shows how many people are on my page. I'm thinking of putting up a chat room. I'll probably have it password protected.

Go me! I'm part of the offical Harry Potter Webmaster community. Yeah, I've been away from updating this website, I've been awfully lazy lately. I will try to update this site more frequently. I strongly suggest you visit At Hogwarts I am Argus Filch, at Durmstrang I am Professor Basil Griffin and Cyrus Griffin, and at Beauxbatons I am Professuer Corbin D'Aubigne.