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Chapter One
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Wednesday, 23 July 2003
The Marauders and the Chamber of Secrets
It was a cool summer day when James Potter walked home from the corner store swinging a bag of groceries in his hands. He had bought some chips, salsa, and sweets for his friends to eat. They were having a party at his house this weekend to celebrate his sixteenth birthday. They were expected in fifteen minutes. James, remembering this, hurried his steps. He wanted everything to be perfect. His girlfriend Lily Evens was going to be there!
James reached the house with no time to spare. He set the bag on the counter and was about to open the bag of chips to pour them into a bowl when the doorbell rang.
"Dang." He said under his breath, putting down the bag and rushing to the door. He opened it with a smile. Outside were the best friends a guy could ever have. In frount was Sirius Black, with his long black hair and laughing eyes. He seemed to be very happy about something. Beside him was Remus Lupin, he was a werewolf and it showed becasuse of his defined muscles. His eyes were hidden under shaggy bleached hair. Behind them was Peter Pettigrew, who was quite large and short but had a broad smile on his face and bags under each arm.
"Happy Birthday James!" They all shouted. James blushed. He didn't like to blush, especially in frount of his friends but he couldn't help it. He had the best friends in the world.
They all walked in and sat on the couch, making themselves at home, which the kind of were. They spent so much time there. James shut the door and followed them in sitting on a leather chair in the corner by the fire place. He wanted to be there to catch Lily when she came by floo powder.
"So James, where's your mom? She usually has food for us." Said Sirius looking around the room. Leave it to Sirius to mention food.
"She and Dad went out for the weekend." Said James with a sinister smile. "Got the place to myself."
All the marauders grinned devishily at this statment. They knew all the chaos they could make with a house to themselves. Oh they could get Snape really good.
A rumble came from the fireplace and James stood up. Sure enough within ten seconds Lily came shooting out into James' arms. She was quite dusty and her beautiful hair was sticking out of the bun she had put in, but she was still very beautiful in James' eyes. He moved some of the hair out of her face so he could gaze into her green eyes.
"James!" She said looking deep into his eyes. She pulled him closer and kissed him. Peter coughed loudly, clearly uncomfortable. Sirius and Remus just looked away smiling.
"Get a room you two!" Said Sirius grinning broadly.
"Oh, we got a room." said James. Lily looked shocked, but that didn't last long she quickly turned red and very angry.
"James Potter!" She shouted. She stood back from him and shot daggers in his direction. Remus snorted from the couch and Sirius was rolling with laughter.
"You keep it up Sirius and I'll hex you!" She said between sharp breathes.
"Aw, Lily I was only joking." Said James rubbing her back, trying to calm her down.
"You need to learn how to joke Potter!" She said. James pretended to look hurt. Lily seeing that she hurt him started apoligizing, forgeting that she was supose to be mad at him. "Oh James, I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it..." She said rubbing his back. James smiled into his hands which he was 'sobbing' into. He looked up at her and showed the smile.
Lily hit him in the head and said something under her breath that sounded like 'stupid git' James ignored it.
"I thought you were supose to be mad at me Lily." He said with a smirk.
"Oh, you know very well that I can't stay mad at you, James." She went into the kitchen returning with the bag of chips and salsa.
"OoO food!" Said Sirius diving at the bag. He reached in and pulled out a handful.
"Now the only thing missing is a good book." Said Lily from the corner, huddled up against James.
"Actually, we have a book." Said Peter reaching into one of the bags he brought in. He pulled out a hardback black book. It looked like it had been through alot. On the spine in gold letters was written 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' Peter threw the book at James. "We thought he might be a realitive of yours or something. We found it in Sirius' attic." James caught the book and studdied it.
"No, not that I know of, but maybe...a cousin or something." He handed the book to Lily.
"I always liked the name Harry. When I have a kid I want to name him that." She said running her fingers over the gold lettering.
"Maybe he's your son Lils." Said Sirius with a smirk.
"Oh but his last name is Potter." She said still rubbing the name Harry with her index finger.
"Aw, come on Lils. You and James are gonna get married and have a kid named Harry. It doesn't take the minister of magic to figure that much out." Said Remus.
James and Lily blushed like no other.
Lily opened the book and looked at the text. After a moment of thinking she said aloud, "I want to read it." Everyone else nodded in agreement and Lily began.....

Posted by magic/hpmatcos at 11:23 PM MDT
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