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"Did you know B is for appple?" - Divine Miss Em

This month, I want to share a little something that came from my blood sister and very bestest friend since 5th grade, ladystorm69.
Since the beginning of cattle herding, men have been theorizing, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?'Much to the chagrin of women everywhere. But a recent poll indicated 70% of women are currently opposed to marriage. It seems we finally figured out 'Why buy the whole pig for just a little sausage?'
And on that note, G-d bless all the 10 inch Kielbasas out there!

To my bro Justin in da pen: Sleep with your back to the wall. If anyone woiuld like to send Justin jokes or money or a subscriptionto the Shonen Jump magazine, his address is:
Justin McCullough
Booking #P000709
Estrella Jail
2939 W. Durango St.
Phoenix AZ 85009

This one's going to win me Mother of the Year"
Last year's 4th of July Roman Candle War"
Rosenthal is one of the most beautiful places on earth"
Along Woodlawn Rd is this field. I may have developed a scenery fetish"
Yet another justification for my love of gravel roads. This is somewhere between Rosenthal and Mooresville."
My brother, forever trying to bogart the limelight and score a few beers"
Why I'll never forget my trip to the Dallas Zoo"
I do goth way better than Marylin Manson"
Watching the sunrise from 7500 ft"
Grounded at an airport near the Penn State stadium"
The beach on the Fourth"
Later that night"
Nice surprise for Bubba on the morning of his 18th, also showcasing the versatility of Twinkies - the peanuts add my signature devilish flair."
Rain - remember that stuff?"
Rock royalty in the making!

My Mormon name is Shambertine Crille Merianis!
What's yours?

To drink my weight, I would have to chug 136 pints of beer!
How big is your beer belly?
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