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Shippers Page

See something you like? lol well as you can see to your right you can see Harry and Cho but to the left you can only see Rupert with another mysterious person and another person in the middle with absolutely nobody. But this page will have the 411 on the following couples that you may be in interest of including Harry and Cho. :)

Harry and Hermione

Aww isn’t that sweet? lol Hermione and Harry shippers here’s your picture and if you are a Hermione and Harry shipper that means you enjoy to see Bravery and Intelligence in the same relationship for trials and tribulations. For that, this couple seems perfect in your eyes.

Ron and Hermione

This is pretty sweet too. If you love Ron and Hermione being together that means you love to see the bickering duo come together as the funny wizard and the intelligent witch in one. Two different Gryffindors and it really does prove that two opposites really do attract.

Draco and Hermione

If you find Hermione and Draco as a couple appealing that means you are definetly in love of the fact that a dangerously evil person with a very intelligent and sensual person is the perfect combonation to the perfect couple. I personally can’t really see Draco with Hermione after all he’s done but if you can than I won’t defy you of that right. lol! :)

Harry and Ginny

If you find the couple of Harry and Ginny appealing that means you just think that the two gryffindors being so cute as they are and so shy and strong....are just absolutely perfect for each other especially since Miss. Ginny has a thing for Mr. Harry. Now even though Harry would never go out with Ginny since she’s like a sister to all of you who enjoy this ship, safe sailing hope you enjoy. :)

Draco and Ginny

If you enjoy the couple of Draco and Ginny than obviously you are one dangerous person!! lol! You enjoy to see two indefinetly different people being together. The little mama’s with the bad menacing daddy’s boy. The perfect fit for their mummies and daddies. lol! If you enjoy this ship...enjoy the sail. :)

Harry and Cho

Now if you are a Harry and Cho shipper you think love at first sight for the guy and egging on from the is the perfect match! lol! Actually you basically think that the bravery of the gryffindor and the cleverness of the ravenclaw are the perfect ingriedents to the perfect couple in the world. I absolutely think so because once Harry’s in love...he’s in love and love is just the greatest feeling. This is definetly my ship I’m sailing on. How about you come join me? lol!