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Heidi, Jason and Dustin's Homepage

Ok this is a first time attempt so it's not going to be perfect. Probably won't even be good. LOL. Anyway I'm Heidi, I am the one trying to build this site. I have a wonderful fiance, boyfriend, husband (whatever you want to call him). His name is Jason. We have a sassy 5 year old son who's name is Dustin. I'll get into family at a later date cause it is extensive. LOL We have 2 dogs, Babes and Sheba. Sheba has senority. And we have 2 cats, Bouncer and Baby. Well I guess we have 3 but Rosie decided he didn't want to move to Ontario. LOL. He stays with my parents (on occasion) I'll be back to do more when I figure it out

My Favorite Web Sites

Good for crib
Good for pool
Job listings

Favorite Places
