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Sorry for the above advertisement - My isp stopped offering web space and I had to get a freebie host for the time being.
greg flynn

  Emerging Portfolio - eCommerce Web Design (with some print design) - Houston and Austin, Texas
Partial Portfolio

(Can show additional print portfolio pieces in person

Contact me at:

Logos logo


Emerging logo


Bid4Real logo

Slingshot Studio logo

Mobile Gateway logo


Click on each to enlarge  

Caboose - work in progress


Package design Client:

Project: Business to consumer website.

Role: Designer/Developer
Page design and layout. Flash templates for Generator output. Supervised imaging teams. Designed banner ads. Awarded Macromedia Site of the Day - December 16, 1999. Designed print advertising for site.   Client: Bid4Real

Project:Business to Consumer Website.

Role: Designer
Designed and formated pages. Managed front-end tasks of initial site launch and subsequent site maintainence. Supervised imaging team. Designed print material for website.
Emerging   Client: Emerging

Project: Corporate Website.

Role: Creative Consultant
Design and development of ecommerce websites. Flash animation design. Led imaging teams. Designed print material - trade show booths and banners.   Client: Frontera

Project: Business to Consumer website.

Role: Designer
Created flash interactive product customization demo, By Design. Managed imaging team.
Try It On   Client: Ashford - Try it On

Project: Business to consumer website

Role: Designer/Developer
Developed and designed interactive product customization demo. Created Flash templates for Generator processing.
Slingshot portfolio - Print Design, Retouching, and Illustration (with some web design) - Atlanta, Georgia
Turner Classic Movies  

Client: Turner Classic Movies

Project: Black and White colorization

Role: Retoucher/Designer
Retouched and colorized vintage photographs of various celebrities in print advertising for Turner marketing campaign.

Orkin Pest Control  

Client: Orkin Pest Control

Project: Billborad campaign

Role: Illustrator
Converted (Illustrated and composited from various television screen captures) existing television campaign to billboard format advertising.

Myrtle Beach Convention Center   Client: Myrtle Beach Convention Center

Project: Tourism brochure

Role: Designer/Retoucher
Client: Nike

Project: Magazine ad

Role: Designer
Slazenger Golf Balls   Client: Slazenger Golf Balls

Project: Magazine ad (Appeared in Sports Illustrated and Golf Digest)

Role: Designer
    Other print clients include Cartoon Network, Polo clothing, Cocacola, and more. I'll try to get more pieces up as time permits me. Hope you liked my stuff! -greg