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   I waited for this day forever!

Wanting to see your face for the first time!

As I reached the door I held my breath.

I felt a coldness in my chest.

I couldn't breathe!

As I turned the doorknob, I shook!

I was entering a place inside myself.

I wanted to cry with joy.

I was finally going to be with you.

To touch you.

To Love YOU!

I entered quietly, so that I may get a glimpse of you.

And there you were. 

I wanted to scream with joy.

I wanted to jump to the heavens.

I finally saw your beautiful face.

You were so innocent.

So angelic.

I could see that I finally belonged to you totally.

Everything I anticipated had come true.

My heart grew still.

You smelled like a field of daisies, so fresh and new. 

I couldn't believe that you were finally with me.

I swore at the first glimpse of your face that I was yours.

That I would take care of you for the rest of my life.

 Your sweet scent enlightened my life.

It renewed me.

I saw myself in your face.

It was the most glorious day of my life...

The day I saw my grandchild for the first time .

© Phyllis Sobh 2003


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I hope you enjoyed my first attempt at a poetry page.  I hope to be adding more pages and pictures of my grandchildren to share with you in the near future.


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