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Jade Greenleaf a.k.a Lady Goldentears

:: Jade was born in a remote village just outside of Starsplit. Besides having an uncanny resemblence to her mother (and constantly being reminded of her tragic death) , Jade grew up to be a well loved and caring elf. When Jade reached the blossom of her adolecence, a dwarf clad in chainmail and a sheild bearing Lord Arsenious' seal appeared at her doorstep. He pulled out a scroll and announced that Lord Arsenious was summoning Jade to his castle . Not sure if the consequences, Jade went with the dwarf. Upon arriving, the Lord Arsenious made a speech that will change little humble Jade's life forever. " Lady Jade, I know thou art but a mere young adult, being only 111, but thou art known throughout the land of Starsplit as a child way beyond thou years. Through one of my sutors, I found out that thou is a loving elf who is kind and humble. Living in this Kingdom where no one is safe from evil, I will have the royal wizard grant thou the power to heal which ever injury is placed before thou grateful eyes. Also, I hereby give you a new name that shall be respected through out the whole land , by all creatures, elves and man , Lady Goldentears. " Next thing she knew, the wizard had given her the power to heal everyone or anything's injurys. But the wizard , being very jealous because he would be put to death if he gave himself the same powers, made Lady Goldentears' powers limited. She only could heal the wound no later than 24 hours of it being made. The purness and lovingness of Lady Goldentears heart lead to her recieving a great and powerful gift. From then on, you just might get lucky and spot Jade healing a little boy's scratch or a dog's broken leg. :: PLEASE DONT KILL JADE WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!!!!!!!! SoR Guild Commander, s/n : goldentears130 (aim)

Role Playing Friends

Dark Mage
