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~*~The goods~*~

+One half of the beautiful Spirit Valley is called Golden Angel Grove. It is home to the many herds of the goods horses.'Spirit' the king of the goods watches over golden angel grove from his home in the cimarron plains. Golden Angel Grove has the best of all the elements and provides a lot for the well being of the goods. You look around at the beauty of this place and see Spirit standing before you. He walks up beside you, where ever he walked his hoof print would sprout into a small trail of flowers. He smiles at you and speaks, his voice firm but fair. "Welcome to Golden Angel Grove i am glad you chose to come live here. You are welcome to live in any of the goods herds". The buskskin mustang stallion nods to you and races back to his post+

~Main Territory~

Cimarron Plains


Ruby Lake

Crystal Peakes

Rainbow Streams

Sunny Beach

Thunder Hills

Seashell Shores

Idol Springs

~Back to Spirit Valley~