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Art, Crafts and Music of Goa


Goa’s art, crafts and music are a celebration of its Portuguese and Indian heritage. It mirrors the diversity of the population that resides in Goa today. One can find a multitude of handicrafts in the street markets, emporiums and art galleries that are unique to the raw materials (like coconut shell, sea shells and semi precious stones) found in Goa. Art forms reflect traditional Indian and Portuguese influences and include coconut brush art, bamboo craft, metal crafts and pottery among many others. The music of Goa has been shaped by the various conquerors and settlers through the ages. Goan musicians have absorbed, adopted and adapted all these styles to form a unique style that is distinctly Goan. A famous contemporary Goan singer and musician who sings in at least three languages is Remo Fernandes. Click here to go to a website where you can listen to a sample of his music. Much of Goan music has its roots in religion and is linked to worship in churches and temples. One famous form of folk music is the “mando” which is a love song based on local themes. The songs are generally accompanied by the violin and a ghumat which is basically an earthenware pot covered with a tight skin to form a sort of drum.  Another form of folk music is the Suvari which is performed at Hindu religious festivals.  Dance is also an important part of a Goan’s social life; they love to dance as much as they like music. There is a wide range of dance in Goa ranging from western ballroom style dancing to eastern traditional dance. There are several established as well as budding artists in Goa who regularly hold exhibitions all over India. Visit this virtual art gallery to look at some of their work.



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Photographs courtesy of Frederick Noronha