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Cassie's boring homepage

You know you are in Cassie's dorm room if

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cassieīs pictures
funny stuff
and you thought I was crazy!

My Ireland Trip Day 1-We left Sevilla the day before our flight to Madrid because thatīs where our flight left from. We arrive in Madrid where Brandon realizes that he doesnīt have his plane ticket. Then after he figures all of that out we plan to go put our bags in lockers so we wonīt have to carry them the whole day. However, there seem to be no lockers to put our stuff in so we decide that we will just chill in the train station until our flight leave the next morning. We eat and of course the foof is horrible and then get ready to spend the night there. However, we find out that the train staion isnīt open 24 hours. So we then take the metro to the airport, where we decide to spend the night. There is a movie being shot there and itīs very uncomfortable trying to sleep in a chair. Then Brandon and Brittany make a crazy board game because they were board. Let's just say that there is acrasy cassie, a high cassie and clown cassie along with many other cassie's. Mind you we havenīt even left for Ireland yet and the craziness is already present. Well we actually arrive in Dublin and in the airport there are detoxifying area for SARS. Then we walk outside and it's raining. We find a bus and take it to the temple bar area. Then we search for a place to stay. We stay at the first hostal that we come across. It's a shared hostal with 6 other people. Let's just say that people were having sex while we slept there. The next day we got to cork which is pronounced cock...if u didn't already know that. UNDER CONSTRUCTION
