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Hello and welcome to st Johns Community Association, a new community group for the Birchgreen community. Birchgreen is an estate in the Town of Skelmersdale, situated in west Lancashire a county in the north west of England. The town was originally developed in the early 60's as an overspill for Liverpool and surrounding areas. Skill levels in the estate are lower than the national average and, as a result, confidence levels are low.

Why a Community Association

Birchgreen estate is recognized as being an area of high deprivation and wards in the area rank in the top 5% of the worst areas in the country, this is according to the governments indices of deprivation. The estate has a documented history of social exclusion caused by economic decline: therefore the disposable income of many families is low. Skill levels in the estate are lower than the national average and, as a result, confidence levels are low. Some disadvantaged children in the area miss out on childhood experiences that many other children take for granted, a simple day trip or an afternoons swimming can make a big difference to these young children, after all poverty just doesn't belong to the 3rd world countries its on our own doorstep.

Our Goals   

St Johns Community Association

A Better Community

For all

Help to provide a better community

Organization Address

St Johns Catholic Primary School

Flamsted, Birchgreen



United Kingdom WN8 6PF

To contact us:
