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Gaia's Treasure Trove

Where artistic visions grow....



And...thank you for stopping by!

GAIA'S TREASURE TROVE'Smain site is still under construction, and as with most things, it is being built in stages.  (First stages to be completed by mid- summer; the last by mid-fall.) The first of these will include all aspects mentioned below, except the gifts & items area. 

(These, I hope to be able to introduce during the pre-Christmas season.)

However, I would like to invite you to return to GAIA'S TREASURE TROVE in a few weeks time.  It is then, that though this site, I hope to present to you, 'garden of earthly delights'. All will help to soothe your body, mind and spirit and some could be...  suitable for gift giving, or just for your own personal enjoyment. 



Within the pages of this site, and for your viewing pleasure, I will offer you... 

*An Art Gallery-

Wherein, I will display my own visual Artwork, as well as those by other artists...some well-known...and others 'yet to be discovered'... (If you would like me to post some of your Artwork, please email me a photo and if it is in good taste, I will post it for a set time that I have yet to determine.)

*A Writer's Den-

Wherein from the Writer's Den,  I will provide my... 

* Ghostwriting and Online Clerical Services-

Also, in this area, and for your reading pleasure, I will display literary works, (some of my own) and where I will invite you to share your philosophies, thoughts, hints, poems and stories, (or those of celebrated authors and thinkers). (If you email these to me...I will post the best ones in the New Age Thought Circle  or Writer's Den.)    

A New Age Thought Circle-

Wherein, those viewers who are 'aware' and those who are just starting to 'wake up' can share their thoughts and experiences... 

*An 'Open Mind' Column-

Wherein, I will invite others to share their views on the Arts, Sciences, etc... However, PLEASE NOTE:  THAT, if viewers submit their writings and artwork for me to post,  the space I have here is limited and therefore, in this case 'less is more'.  The smaller the submission, the more I can post.)

*And in the last stages, I hope to have in place... 

*A Craft Corner & Small Gift Nook

Wherein, I will post images of handcrafted items and URLS for other personal & gift ideas.  (At present, however, the 'Craft Items' will be for sale through email inquiry, only.)

Candle In The Wind

*And last but not least, along with the above, I will include my favorite 

Online Affiliate Programs Guide-  

Here, I hope to introduce you to a few of my own favorites.  These include, but are not limited to, money making affiliate programs for profit making, as well as a few web marketing, design & hosting services..  

I hope to see you all back here again soon, so I ask you, please, to bookmark this page...and...please...

take care...




For More Information:

What is your name?

Where are you from?

E-mail address?



Note: I am using the above image without written consent from the owner. If there is any objection to my doing so, please email me and let me know and I will remove it immediately. I am herein unable to assign, proper credit, as there was no name attached to the image, when I saved it.

'Gaia': A name for 'Mother Earth'...from ancient times....

© Image Encounters-2003