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Aaaaah! Madame! Monsieur! ( Mon-Sewage Yellow-Sky Purple Birdhouse Lunchman!) .... (Okay, that wasn't the real "nickname" that Mithila and I made up for you, but I can't remember it. All I really remember is the Mon-Sewer/Mon-Sewage and Lunchman part...Which is the part I made up. [Er...Although...The Lunchman part was actually something I saw on a piece of paper XD] Haha ^^;;;

Anyway, here you guys are reading this, and I (We) are now gone. I am terribly sorry that I couldn't come on Friday, but unfortunately I could not persuade my dad to get it out of his head that it was a good idea to leave for our trip on Friday at 5 am in the morning. Fwoosh.

Oh, and as Karen said (see, I have read Karen's message seeing as when I went here, Karen's message was already here. See, while I was at school, cleaning rooms and slaving away, KAREN and LAUREN were at LAUREN'S HOUSE. *sniffs like Nynaeve* [Nynaeve's sniffing = sniffing contemptuously]), you should really get a larger room. I remember Monsieur having a portable once, but then it was taken over. Maybe you should ask Mr. Giroux (? was it that one?) for it back. If he says no, we'll all come back and...Scream at him and kick and shout and nag and get in trouble and yelled at in which we will proceed to run away and never come back. ^^;;; We shall, of course, come back and bother you both with our hyperness. In exchange for that, we (or at least, I) expect that you will help us (me) on our (my) french homework. *grins cheekily* You guys, of course, want us to get top marks in everything (especially French), so you wouldn't mind helping us, would you? It would show what good teachers you are to our french teacher(s?) if we get 100% on everything, right? Right...I was trying to find a winking smilie, but alas, I could not find one... *sighs*...So I shall have to be content with this ^_~ ...I've just found one, here it is: but I don't like this one...Aww...This is so sad... We'll come visit, don't you worry! Make sure you have candy for us! ^_~ Hey, if we mark some stuff for you, does that count as community service...?

Well, I must be off. Thanks for being such good teachers, I shall miss you! Remember to keep cool ( <-- like this)

"The car goes zoooom!"

- Carmela

PS: I know you love the smilies

Madame and Monsieur! I wrote out this really long message here and then this stupid page expires! Frahkishblah. I was so angry I shook my fist at the computer screen and glared and pointed and whined. And here I am still shaking my fist and glaring and pointing and whining. Let me see if I can remember what I said . . .
I'm going to miss you guys so much! *glares* And you better miss me too . . .how can you forget me, as I (we) always ate your candy and lacking candy, ate anything else edible in your room. You really should get a larger room. It's so squishy in there! It reminds me of a coffin. Not that I've ever been in a coffin. You know what I mean. We were totally planning to petition for a larger room for you but we could never figure out how to organize it. So here's to a bigger room for next year (maybe a portable!)--> Cheers!. And don't worry about getting drunk, it's just water. (I'm poor...)
And maybe next year, your monitors won't draw fishes on little pink papers and stick it all over your room and/or car. But be sure we will come back to stick fishes all over you and your (hopefully) larger room and cars. And they'll be on different coloured little papers too. We like variety! And on Valentine's Day we'll come back too to stick hearts all over Monsieur's stuff. And for Christmas, (if I ever get enough money...) we'll buy you both new mugs and stick stickers on those too. You won't ever escape our mischief (mischief? what mischief?), you know. We might even come back to mark stuff in exchange for some help with French homework (...heehee?). Speaking of French in my future, Monsieur never did raise the standards. Unless you call giving us homework the day before our graduation raising the standard. And if you do, he never marked it anyway. *sniffs haughtily*
Is this message long? You've seen Lauren's Memory Book and you know I like to write long messages. There are just so many good memories.
Oh, and you better not throw out our 'Français Autour de Nous' or you won't get anymore water! (*gasp*) Keep it as an example of a wonderful project. Yes, that's it.
Oh, and I made the page. Well not really, that was Lauren, she's the 'web designer'. I'm the 'web developer.' Enough of this technical jargon, the point is . . .I have no point.
I think I've been ranting too much (actually, I have just been informed that I am spewing words nonsensically) so here's my try at something 'meaningful' (*coughs*more ranting*coughs*) I don't think you two ever really get the appreciation you deserve. Many, many students detest French lessons and really don't regard it as a subject to be taken seriously . . . I'm sure you can tell. Anyway, we three, you know, don't hate French as we do work in the French room and have outstanding marks (we better have them!). As much as Lauren and I have bombarded you (Monsieur) about raising the standard, we really do appreciate (I need a new word . . .) what you have taught us. I'm hoping I can remember all of it as I am in enriched French (are you proud of me?) and I'm sure it will be very useful to know everything I'm suppose to know. I don't know if you remember, but I didn't participate at all in French before grade six. In fact, you could say I did the least I could. But that's unimportant because now I do. And it got me the Academic Award! I really have you two to thank for motivating me (and my former math tutor, but he's not reading this so . . .) because if I did badly in French, I couldn't possibly have gotten that award.
Thank you for always being there to have fun with us and make us hyper before we had to go back to the dreariness of class. And of course, for feeding us. Anyone who feeds me is an über person! (yeah . . .like my German?) If we don't come back to visit, it'll be because we're all working so hard on our French homework (or in my case, watching and trying to understand French television). We'll try very hard to come back though. We'll need the help, you know!
I wasn't just saying it for the hell heck of it when I said I'd miss you guys a lot and all that other stuff I just said. This will be our last message to you for awhile and I can't help but think that leaving Léger means leaving behind all you wonderful teachers (you two are the best of the lot of them!) Do I sound like I'm sucking up? I think I kinda do. Aw well, I guess I kinda am. Don't forget us 'cause we won't forget you! Cheers once more (real alcohol this time . . .yummy!)-->
For the five of us!
Anyhow, I think I should be going now as Lauren and Carmela have not yet written anything.
Good luck with the (now) grade sevens and keep your desk neat Monsieur! Eat your vegies Madame! Bye bye says the magical bear and Sir Merlyn and the pigeons! Je ne vais pas oublier vous! (Let's hope that's proper grammar)

No! You see, I had a whole page done! And then it went all bye bye. And now I gotta start this thing again. Ahhh. Ok, let's see how much I remember.
It all started like this.
How are you on this lovely day? Good? Wow! That's just great. I hope you're doing good in the next five years when I come back to steal candy from you. Ahh! I didn't want to start this again. I had this whole sarcastic thing happening, it was all funny and stuff. Crap *covers mouth* Excuse my extreme, bad language. Ok, moving on. Oh yes, you might have to be careful for I get distracted real easily and like totally go off topic. Like there was this one time when I was like talking to this person. And we were like talkin' and everything and I totally went off topic. And she was like "Woah, Lauren, what are you talking about?" and I was totally like "Woah, like, I don't know anymore". So, then, I, like totally kept quiet after. I hope I remember all I had before. Oh yes. When I come back like, next year? Will you give me candy? No? What are you talking about? I worked hard, man. Ok, let's change the situation. What if I was poor and living on the streets and I came back (...) then would you give me candy? Yes? Really? Really really? Wow! I feel so...special. Wow. I'll miss you two lil' ole French...teachers, people, things. Yes. My wonderful vocaulary. We've had many guests that came in. But, us three were the main ones. And we're glad. 'Cause we got more candy than them. Hey, will you remember be in five years? When I come back to get my candy (which we know will happen) are you gonna be like "Who is she? And why does she want our candy? This candy is reserved for our NEW monitors. She was never a monitor, she's...crazy." Yeah, I bet that will so happen. I hope I'm writing enough that you'll remember me. As a matter of fact, it is 9:36 pm now, and I'm typing as fast as I can. Are you guys gonna come back to our lil' page? Watch you guys like show it to your kids in ten years. "And this was our monitors page they made for us. See, look how crazy they were. Don't ever become like them! You hear me? Good!" Haha, I can so hear Monsieur telling his kids that. Hey, when your kids have kids, be sure to tell them about us. Ok? I think we deserve it. You know, eating all your food, sticking fishes on your property, putting stickers on your cups, leaving threating notes on your desk, we so deserve it. But, make sure you metion LAUREN first. No Carmela and Karen nonsense first, ya got that? Great. I hope this is long enough. It's so going to be a competition to see who wrote the longest. Thanks so much for everything you two lil' old French nerds. I'm just joking. Too bad I only had Monsieur for two years (Grade 3 and 8). But I had Madamme for the rest and it was pretty great learning French with you two. Always remember ME! Don't forget, the name's Lauren [Nicole Martina] Gonsalves! Ya can just walk down the street to get to my house.
Go down Morrish until you pass Canmore
Then on your left, will be the street Grover
Go up the big hill, and pass Ponymeadow on the right
Keep going until you see number 79 on the left side right on the curb
Then ring the door bell and ask for 'Lauren', if it's my dad, Monsieur, say you're my French teacher, alright? And Madame, you can say you're my tutor. Okie dokie? Great! Now that we got that all sorted out I'll be busy most of July, so I'll be expecting this visit sometime in August. I'll be waiting by the door, so don't keep me waiting. Alrighty? Wonderful! I can't wait! Ooh, I'm so excited. I'm gonna make cup cakes for your kids and tell my mom to make tea for you. I'm so excited! We can have a PARTY! Yay! I'll have nachos and dip and all this fun stuff. I think we'll invite Karen and Carmela. And we can tell Mithila to bring JELL-O! Yay! I'm soooo excited. I soooo can't wait! See you there!