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En Passant



I chose this little corner of the world (my little corner of the world) to share some bits and pieces about places I've lived, worked, or visited, and people I've come to know along the way.

These pages are a depiction of my world of travel and diversity. As we depart upon a memorable journey I hope that you enjoy your visit as much as I've enjoyed getting us here.

Koi Fish

I started these pages in 1998. I moved this one here on 8 March 2003 because I felt I needed to. Some of the other net neighborhoods I tried are now closed or defunct. Hang with me. I'm back thirteen years later (2016). I found a new guest book and it seems to be working. I only have it activated on my welcome page for now but plan on adding it to other pages in time. Check it out. Meanwhile, my e-mail still works. Thank you for visiting. Please come again.

My Guestbook


©1998, John S. Job, Webmaster @ Magic Footprints / Most recent edit: 11/19/16