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Welcome Message
Welcome to FlyingDust! Everyone here is welcome! Come on in and have fun! You can check out my content which includes: Me, You, WwW, Site, and a Guestbook, just the ordinary. You are free to do anything here except steal. Please sign the guestbook if you have the chance and if you have any questions, just email me! ^^ Ill answer any questions you have! Well, have fun and... Welcome!

[x] Me
[x] You
[x] WwW
[x] Site
[x] Guestbook

I got the little cute (well big ^^) coro graphic from one of my friends when we were chatting online and sending pictures to each other =D. I decided to use it for a layout. All the effects in the picture came from PSP. I just did some effects to make it look nice ^^. Well that's about it. Oh, I was going to do a butterfly layout but I didnt really enjoy doing it so I decided to redo a new layout. =/

Link me
If you took something off my site or just feel like linking me ^^, you can link me either with my:

Wanna make me one? Ill promise to give you 100% credit!! ;D

Stealing?...No!When I say 'if you took something off my site' and to link me, I dont want you taking stuff off my site that does not have my permission to let you take it. My site is 100% copyright so please only take things that is okay for you to take. Thank you ^^