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FlEa GiRl



Hi! And Welcome to FlEa GiRl! Which stands for "Finally Loving Everyone As well"!

Who would you rather be? Rumpled, Bedraggled and miserable Fanny on the right? Or neat organized and happy FLEA girl on the left? For me, the choice is obvious... how about you? 

This is a site for pre-teen or teen girls (well maybe guys too) who want to start cleaning up their act, being more responsible, keeping their rooms clean, and start to have a better attitude towards life! This site is inspired from which is a home-organizing site for women who want to get their homes in order. I though that site was great for Moms and people, but what about youth?

If you want to join me and follow the steps I will put up, then good for you. Remember, I am just learning how to be a better person myself! No one is perfect, that's why we will start cleaning up our acts in small steps. No Groaning, No Pouts, Just take a risk and Go for It!


This week on FLEA Girl!

Well nothing has happened this week except I made this web page.

Also, according to the FLYlady website, this month is moving in May! I know it's tempting to spend all day on the computer, watching T.V., or just lazing around, but you have to get up and do something active! Go outside and swing, toss a ball around with a sibling, go for a bike ride alone or with a friend. Go roller-blading, or just go for a walk around the block! Or maybe help your mom out in the garden! Offer to water the plants for her. Just go outside!

Coming Soon!

Look forward to new pages telling you how to start being a flea girl! I'm sorry that they arn't here yet, but don't worry! I'm working on them and they'll be up just as soon as I can have them done by!

Learning how to FLY with FLEAgirl!

Back to Michelle's Web Page!

Email me with your comments and suggestions! Look Below...


