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The Games

- Final Fantasy I
- Final Fantasy II
- Final Fantasy III
- Final Fantasy IV
- Final Fantasy V
- Final Fantasy VI
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Final Fantasy XI
- Final Fantasy XII

The Site

- Editorials
- Fanart and Fiction
- Forums
- Rants
- Staff Members


- The Black Hole

Welcome to Final Fantasy2!

Yes indeed, welcome to Final Fantasy2! (Get it? Squared? Final Fantasy is made by Squaresoft? Hahaha). This is my website, dedicated to Final Fantasy. If you look to the left of the page, you will find all the content on this site. I have all sorts of information on the Final Fantasy games, 1-12. (Please note - the sections for Final Fantasy I and II are for the games found in the Final Fantasy Origins package, not the original NES versions. Also please note that the sections for Final Fantasy III and VI are the same, because they're the same game). I also have some other sections of the site, such as my own little editorials and rants, a section for you to submit your wonderful fanart and fanfiction, and my very own little community forums. How fun. With that, enjoy your stay here at Final Fantasy2!

News Updates
Posted By: Pink Floyd - Webmaster
Date: 07/03/02

Today I founded this website. Yay!

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