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:: :: Home :: ::
:: :: Guild :: ::
:: :: Q&A :: ::
:: :: Picture Album :: ::

Member Bios
:: :: skye_sora :: ::
:: :: pinkhotaru :: ::
:: :: ashtonlovers_1 :: ::
:: :: eceltic :: ::
:: :: powgirl2434 :: ::

:: :: Stories :: ::
:: :: Art :: ::
:: :: Scripts :: ::
:: :: Poetry :: ::
:: :: Referal :: ::

:: :: :: ::
:: :: Love Struck :: ::

Welcome to the guild site for FairyHotaru. Here at our site we have basic bios on our council and any other members who want their bio on the site, a picture album with pictures that were submitted by our members, info on all our contests, winning entries for the contests, and a Q&A where we answered all of your questions. Feel free to browse around the site and if you're not already a member, come check us out today.

About Us

FairyHotaru was started by Skye and Brittany on August 17th, 2003. They had had a couple other guilds that didn't work out (KC, the_realm, tragic_kingdom) so they got all their ideas together and created FairyHotaru.

They created FairyHotaru as a guild for people who like writing stories, poems, scripts and drawing. It isn't just for people who are good at those things, it's for people who like and enjoy them. Unlike a lot of other guilds in Neopia, it was made for anybody. All ages are welcomed and both boys and girls are welcomed.

Along their travels through Neopia, Skye and Brittany also found some traits of guilds that they didn't like and decided they didn't want their guild to have. All over Neopia they saw advertisements about guilds, bribing people with paintbrushes and morphing potions just to join the guild. To them, they saw that as a sign of a week guild. People would join those guilds because they were bribed and then either leave or never participate. Plus it showed that those guilds were desperate for members and not confident in getting members by their guild's merit.
They also saw ads around Neopia where people were wanting a co-owner or council members for their guild. They were giving away council to the first people who joined, not to who was responsible and deserved it. That wasn't very smart of those guild leaders. So, Skye and Britt chose council based on responsibility and not first come basis.

They figured that having a guild with a good, strong base of responsibility and a good theme and wide acceptance of members would make their guild the best it could be. They were right. FairyHotaru is a great guild that is growing better by the day. All it's members are proud of their guild and you would be too if you were a member (if you arent' already). So, if you're not a member, come join today and be a proud member with the rest!


If you have any questions or comments about the guild or the site, feel free to neomail either skye_sora or pinkhotaru. Thanks for visiting!
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