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A single truth... a single force... a single principle... passion




Not so long ago, I was standing in the middle of a meadow... can't quite call it a meadow, now that I think of it... more like an oasis - a little piece of paradise cut off from the rest of the world by a serious of noisy and dirty car-filled roads. It was about 10:30 p.m., and darkness had long descended upon the wet grass. It was gently sprinkling. A thin layer of water covered everything, and made everything sparkle. Streetlights poured light into every puddle. One couldn't see the raindrops - it was too dark to. The only way to know that they were there was to feel them appear on your skin - tiny spots of crystal coldness, a refreshing surprise with every raindrop. One couldn't see them, but they were there, like an omniscient presence that could not be denied. 

All around us, the city was pretending to be asleep. For pretending in the city is the only way to attain privacy. And when everybody pretends, it works! Yellow lights illuminated countless apartment windows. Inside people gathered around tables, TV sets, or cuddled up with a book or two in bed. And every little window was an entryway to a separate family's life, a separate entity. And at the same time, every little window was a tiny piece of an enormous puzzle..... a picture..... a painting... that reflected harmony and happiness. And one can only see this happiness, and this harmony, by looking at the big picture.

My mission in life is to keep that picture in my field of vision... to look for harmony and beauty in everything real.... to share my passion for that beauty.... to learn of other passions, and to learn to see what others see...