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May your feet ne're touch the earth, and may you always have the Wind at your back.
Farewell my Ephemeral Friend, may our thoughts find you through the Void.

At 4:17 AM, on April Third 2003, Lorenzo "Enzo" Murray, was pronounced dead in Corpus Christi Texas.
He was 20 years old and his only crime was doing what was right, but for this he recevied the final absolution, in the form of a shotgun blast to the chest.
He left behind three books, a lighter, a pen, the knife I gave him, and his cat Mildred. His notebooks, which never left his sight, were missing.

We often forget how risky the road we walk can be, but when we loose someone close, it reminds us of the severity of our struggle.
Enzo knew the dangers of his work but never let them get in the way of kindness.
I'm not the only one who was touched by his willingness to help those in dire straits.
He died protecting someone he did not know from a gang of Nazi Skins.

Pray siblings, that this not be the dawn of a more violent era for us programmers. And please, if you choose to react,
think before you do anything rash, I don't want to have to write another one of these.
Life goes on. Enzo, rest in peace, your work here is done.

-The Non-Profit Prophet
Bleeding Edge Ethnologies 5:06 AM April 13 2003