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Hello! Welcome, Welcome, Won't you step inside for a cup of tea?
Welcome, I am Enchantress, and this is my sister Vexing, and this is our home. It is also the home to many wonderful artists, who make works of computer art. Would you like to stay and become an artist. Perhaps one of them will make something for you. Feel free to do as you please, other than the rules. YOU MUST FOLLOW THEM...
Other than that you can have fun, get art for your RPG, SIM, Character. We will also make you poems for your characters, slogans for your site, and HTML for your pictures.

~March 30, 2003~
Cool, I finally made my dream come true. I am so happy, but back to the subject. Ok, words is for poems slogans names and such, put what you want to order(ie; poem) as the subject. Sights is pictures and picture finding, and html, put what you are order (ie;picture finding) as the subject. If you want to apply do so on the commentary board, and as for advertising, please do so on the advertising board. To find out about our artists please visit artists. I think that just aobut coveres it. Oh yeah, if you wish to email Vex and I, please send whatever to .
1.)You can give us specifics if you absolutely must, but if you wait untill they do one that is not with specifics, and you don't like it, give it to them then.
2.)Yes, our artists can, and will skip orders. Sometimes certain artists will not want to attempt orders, so don't get upset if you get skipped, someone will do your order.
3.)You may request available personalizers, but if there are already 2 request, or they are working on 2 pictures, you may not request them.
4.)You may request free personalizers, but if there are already 2 request, or they are working on 2 pictures, you may not request them.
5.)Please try to limit your request to 5 a wek, untill we get more artists. Yes, amazingly enough, we do have lives.
6.)Do not be rude to, fight with, or flame the artists. They are working here for no pay, and doing nice things for you. BE NICE!!!(that includes pleases and thank yous)
7.)7.)If you want to apply for a job, then you need to apply on the commentary board, you need to post the exact words of this rule to prove you have read them.
8.)Artists are people, they make mistakes, take Vangoh for instance, he cut off his ear(for a girl who didn't love him) but he was still an amazing artist. The artists will makes mistakes, but do not hold it against them, Please!
~*~Frequently Asked Questions~*~
Q-Can I get a picture done here, and go somewhere else for HTML?
A- If you must, although we would appreciate if you would stay with us the whole way through the personalizing process.

Q-I got a picture done somwhere else, can I come here for the HTML?
A-Yes, you may, we are always open.(although other studios might appreciate it if you stay with them the whole way through.)
Q-Do you do animations and avatars?
A-Yes we do some animations, and as soon as we get the right artists then we will do avatars.






This is a collage of different things that We do at the studio. We do this and much much more. Please Enjoy the artistic aura of this place, and soak in the purity.
We are always open to ideas, and thoughs, and suggestions, and complaints. Feel free to tell us what you do and do not like.

At the time being I have no links:(
If you want me to put up your link please email me the link, and please put ES on your site! ~!Thanks!~

Art of the Week
Fairy of Joy
This is just cute, so I put it up...