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"; function search(frm) { win ="","","scrollbars"); win.document.write(page); txt = frm.srchval.value.split(" "); fnd = new Array(); total=0; for (i = 0; i < item.length; i++) { fnd[i] = 0; order = new Array(0, 4, 2, 3); for (j = 0; j < order.length; j++) for (k = 0; k < txt.length; k++) if (item[i][order[j]].toLowerCase().indexOf(txt[k]) > -1 && txt[k] != "") fnd[i] += (j+1); } for (i = 0; i < fnd.length; i++) { n = 0; w = -1; for (j = 0;j < fnd.length; j++) if (fnd[j] > n) { n = fnd[j]; w = j; }; if (w > -1) total += show(w, win, n); fnd[w] = 0; } win.document.write("

Total found: "+total+"
"); win.document.close(); } function show(which,wind,num) { link = item[which][1] + item[which][0]; line = ""+item[which][2]+" Score: "+num+"
"; line += item[which][4] + "
"+link+""; wind.document.write(line); return 1; } // End --> Elyssa's Magic

Welcome to Elyssa's Magic. I have put up this site because I have a deep interest in magic and the history of magic. My site includes the descriptions of magical creatures and any other mythical ar mystical fun fact I can scrounge up. If you have anything you would like to add, please e-mail me at:



Rules of my site.

|Sirius |Broomsticks |Satyr |Hydra |Questing Beast |Su |Cockatrice |Redcap |Remora |hippocampus|
|Salamander |Chimaera |Kelpie |Centaur |Gnome |Goblin |Bugbear |Hobgoblin |

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