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"The paths of our lives are ours to choose. The path you choose is the one you must walk, are you sure that this is the path that you want to take?"

                                  -Raven Shadowhunter



               I was born on a cool morning in mid- Lotesse, to my mother, Lady Dasselrond, queen of the Touel Al’far, my people.  My father, Anthatal, was king of my people as well as general of the armies of the valley.  My father was a powerful man, ever watchful over his people.   He died shortly after during an orc raid on a nearby town of Dundalis.  We people of the valley rarely meddled in things that were human related, but this was the first time the Demon Dactyl, Bestubulzibar, had attacked Corona in eons.  My mother took over rule of the kingdom shortly after that and never did remarry.  She was, and still is, a stern woman.  She had little time for me and my siblings as we were growing. My sister, Vierna, was to be a cleric, my brother, Ohtar was to be trained in the art of weapons master, and I, well, I was to become my mother’s sil-elen.  She had a few of the village’s best warriors and mages train me. I was to become a ranger as well as an assassin.  The training was not so bad, now that I look back upon it. The taint of the first true kill had not stained my hands yet. We worked tirelessly.  Day in and day out for 18 years of my life, I went through the training of a ranger. Then, one day, my mother called me to her.  I remember the day clearly; she looked to me and asked me, “Are you ready to accept your title as ranger and assassin of your kingdom?”  I stared at her. A million questions slammed into my head at once, freezing my tongue.  She looked at me then, an odd smile on her face and said, “The correct answer to that would have been, No, mother, I am not.”  She told me that now was the time for me to learn the final skill of my people and the rangers that they have trained there.  That skill was to learn and master Bi’Nelle De’sade, the sword dance and fighting style of my people. I worked on it tirelessly for months until I could perform the movements without conscious thought. My muscles became programmed to fight, programmed to kill. I grew up under my mother's iron fist, doing her bidding, her killing for her. She finally released me from her grip when she got word of the troubles in Rivendell and the surrounding areas. I traveled many weeks to stand at the side of Lady Arwen and Lord Guipago.  I met Aragorn there and we fell in love. We were wed in Rivendell. Shortly after the split between Arwen and Guipago, we followed our lord to Lakewood where we both were deemed guardians of the realm.  We had a son, Aduial, and twin girls, Andarielle and Dinelle.  We had own kingdom by the time the girls were born. Life was so happy then. I thought that finally I had found my home. Life was not to be so sweet.  Aragorn left for some time and I had no word from him. Valinor Manor fell to an attack by dark fources. I divorced Aragorn and traveled back to Lakewood. One night in Lakewood, my brother, Ohtar Illesere came to me with grim news. My mother, trying to fources me back into her servitude had hired an assassin to kill me and my children. The assassin had killed Aduial, my son, and Andarielle, the oldest of the twins.  My heart shattered in that moment. I felt an old, familiar chill run down my spine, permeating my soul. I swore that my mother would fall for her sins. The assassin came to Lakewood intent on finishing the job. She fired poisoned darts at me, striking me with five of them. I fell, paralyzed by the poisons. Raven Shadowhunter arose to the threat and fought her. The managed to sink a throwing dagger into my leg. Raven had almost killed her when I rose and threw her own dagger at her dealing the killing blow.  Lord Guipago healed the both of us. I owe Raven and Guipago my life from that day.  The night that I returned, I was borne again into darkness. Three sisters, posing as travelers came to me for aid. I knew what they were and took them to some caves to sleep for the day telling them that they had to leave the next mourn.  They overpowered me and drained me of my blood. Not ready to die, I took the offer of their blood. Swallow after swallow, I felt power surging into my body once more. My heart, colder than before I rose, a vengeful spirit. I now walk the earth in search of my purpose.  I have found love and perhaps a new hope. Only time will tell.

                                           ~Elvenmoon Illesere