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Dream Book

Dream Book

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Wood, and here is where i will record the meanings of my dreams for every day i had a dream since the beginning of this assignment.

If you would also like to see what happened in my dream, click here: Dream Journal

Or, to see how the meaning of my dreams actually came true, click here: Dream Meanings

All times before now, when the assignment was given out, were dreamless.

07/29/03- Desert- Problem: 7+29+3= 39, 39-3 =33, sum: 33 Meaning: I will have a great week.

07/30/03- Maze- 7+30+3= 40, 40-4= 36, sum: 36 Meaning: A family member of yours will congratulate you

07/31/03- No Dream

08/01/03- No Dream

08/02/03- Chase - Problem: 8+2+3= 13, 13-5= 8, sum: 8 Meaning: You will take a long shower

08/03/03- Stroll- Problem: 8+3+3= 14, 14-6= 8, sum: 8 Meaning: You will take a long shower

08/04/03- No Dream

08/05/03- Light- Problem: 8+5+3= 16, 16-5= 11, sum: 11 Meaning: You will be very lucky

08/06/03- Gravity- Problem: 8+6+3= 17, 17-7= 10, sum: 10 Meaning: You will look at someone in a new way

08/07/03- Foam- Problem: 8+7+3= 18, 18-4= 14, sum: 14 Meaning: You will work very hard at something

08/08/03- No Dream

08/09/03- No Dream

08/10/03- Hair- Problem: 8+10+3= 21, 21-4= 17, sum: 17 Meaning: You will meet a snob

08/11/03- No dream

Well, that's the end! I hope you enjoyed reading my dream book, and i hope you had enough time to review the other parts of it. If i didn't include any of the assignment that you wanted, please, just tell me.