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My fiancé's name is Mickael Hallard. He is French and was born nearby Paris. At the moment he is living in Toulouse. He went to Germany two years ago. Mickael was working in Cologne as a pastry cook. And there we met in the Cologne's bar: "Live Music Hall". THANK GOD!!! I still cannot believe to have such a wonderful person on my side.


Mickael likes Germany very much. He spent there only one year but his German is very good. I, on the other hand, admire France, and want later to find a job in Paris and move to France for a while. I think that French is the most beautiful language and my Mickael is the best man in this world!

Je t'aime, Mickael!
Ja lublu teba, Mischka!
Ich liebe dich, Mickael!

And here some Pictures:

Mickael is Fishing

Mickael, his Brother and Me in Disneyland Paris

Mickael with his Family

Mickael with his Coworkers in Germany

Cat with Russian Name Kiska

Schatz, ich werde das Ganze später noch ins Deutsche übersetzen !!!


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