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Coroporate Rip Offs

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September 12th, 2003
Ok kestas and Tim came over today, we skated a little and got into a fight with some pizza hut guy. easgle had free wood and lumber behind the back, so we got some and we decided to make a box.

September 11th, 2003
Ok i brought my camera to school today, and i took some photographs, so check em out, also i added the video section, there are 3 videos so far

September 10th, 2003
OOOO i made the pics page today, so far there is uhh 4 pictures of my dog....very exciting

September 9th, 2003
No news yet, but jake did get high today, and me tim n luke skated some gaps sunday near my house


Members so far
Mike Albert
Luke Hayes
Tim Jackson
Michael Kestas