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"Through me the way into the suffering city,
Through me the way to the eternal pain,
Through me the way that runs among the lost.
Justice urged on my high artificer;
My maker was divine authority,
The highest wisdom, and the primal love.
Before me nothing but eternal things were made,
And I endure eternally.
Abandon every hope, ye who enter here."


Monday, July 14th, 2003
Everything's up and running and good to go-- though I haven't got the links to Tux or ToT yet. I had them, but I seem to have forgotten..

Random Photos

Edited Photos that I'm rather proud of...

Photos from when I went to the barn on Saturday (when I finally remembered to bring my digital camera); most of them are of Callie and Claire, the twins, the big gray horse is Quinto, the bay (brown and black for all you uneducated fools) is Ina, the flaxen (light colored mane, brown..*shudder*) is Michaela, and the big chestnut foal is Melina... I don't remember their offical names. I hate their pet names, but oh well.(The image that doesn't show up works; just click on it.)

An adorable picture of my dearest Molly, and a wonderfully shittacular picture of myself.

Great Movies/Characters

That sexy bastard, Dorian Gray, wonderfully portrayed by Stuart Townsend, who was almost equally sexy in his portrayal of Lestat. Click to view. ...Growl.

And that wonderful, spectacular, extraordinary movie that rules over all other movies ever made.. Sleepy Hollow(maybe I just love Johnny Depp...yeah, that's probably it..nwah).

Random Quotes/Poems

Ferunt uagantes Dæmonas
Lætas tenebras noctium
Gallo canente exterritos
Sparsim timere et credere.

Nocturna lux uiantibus
A nocte noctem segregans,
Præco diei iam sonat,
Iubarque solis euocat.

Hoc nauta uires colligit,
Pontique mitescunt freta:
Hoc, ipsa petra Ecclesiae,
Canente, culpam diluit.

Surgamus ergo strenue:
Gallus iacentes excitat,
Et somnolentos increpat,
Gallus negantes arguit.

Gallo canente, spes redit,
ægris salus refunditur,
Mucro latronis conditur,
Lapsis fides reurtitur.

They say that the night-wandering demons, who rejoice in dunnest shades, at the crowing of the cock tremble and scatter in sore affright.
Light of our darksome journey here, with days dividing night from night, loud crows the dawn's shrill harbringer, and wakens up the sunbeams bright.
Forthwith at this, the darkness chill retreats before the star of morn: and from their busy schemes of ill the vagrant crews of night return.
Fresh hope, at this, the sailor cheers: the waves their stormy strife allay; the Church's Rock at this, in tears, hastens to wash his guilt away.
Arise ye, then, with one accord no longer wrapt in slumber lie; the cock rebukes all who their Lord by sloth neglect, by sin deny.

"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
It seems to me most strange that humans should fear,
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come."

"Even the bravest that are slain
Shall not dissemble their surprise
On waking to find valor reign
Even as on earth, in paradise
And where they sought without the sword
Wide fields of asphodel fore'er
To find that the utmost reward
Of daring should be to dare."


You Are A Rude Kitty



-The Liah

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