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                                  "A date which will live in infamy..."
                                                                    "We will not forget, we will not forget,"

                                                 Pearl Harbor1

                                                 "Like a thunderclap from a clear sky,"

Pearl 2

“In all of the war I have never received a more direct shock. Over the vast expanse of waters (Indian and Pacific Oceans) Japan was supreme, and we everywhere weak and naked.”

"I saw the asphalt kick up and a Japanese plane spraying shells and I thought, `Oh my God, we're under attack,' " 
Ed Hall, president of the Silver State Survivors of Pearl Harbor.
"I was asleep when the air raid began,I got up and looked outside and saw bodies everywhere. The Japanese sure surprised us. We got caught with our pants down, that's for sure."

This page is delicated to the Pearl Harbor Attack on December 7,1941 on the island O'ahu Hawaii. It was a surprise attack from the Japanese, as you can see the people were sleeping when suddenly they hear air raid began and explosion. The skys are filled with smoke due to the fire bombs attack. This attach has led the United States go onto WWII. As President Roosevelt would say in his speech after announcing the declare war,"a day which will live in infamy." As you can see the pictures are showing attacks on warships and the habor, it is where the US marine troops are being taken place.


Rembered Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Attacks
Pearl Harbor History
