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Twins, Separated Before Birth

by Drake of Dross

Summary: A fertility potion affects Severus Snape and Rubeus Hagrid. Both become pregnant by the other, resulting in fraternal not-exactly-twins conceived on the same day, with different mothers but the same parents. For fear of Voldemort discovering he has children, Snape hides his part in the events leading to Hagrid's strange impregnation, and allows no one to find out about his own.
Challenge: Not quite in response to Challenge 48 of the mpreg site, www blooddance com / mpreg /, but inspired by it.
Disclaimer: Obviously, Harry Potter and anything else you recognize is not mine. This is fanfiction. That means it's written by a fan. Fan = me. Owner = JK Rowling.
Warnings: Slash, mpreg

Chapter Fourteen: A Final Twist

Much to Severus's surprise, Madam Pince did not spread the rumour about Hagrid's choice of library books. Though he doubted the half-giant had kept his new 'relationship' entirely secret, the rumour of it had, so far, not returned to Severus. Ronald Weasley, however, did look at him oddly when he returned from the Burrow late Christmas evening with Hagrid, the boys, and young Miss Amanda Weasley.

Severin, Charlie, and Hagrid all told him he should have come to the Weasley's Christmas party, but he would hold to his own opinion on that matter. Besides, there had been things he needed to think about during that respite.

He had sex with Hagrid again. This time there was no handy excuse of it being a life or death situation to account for it. Worse, if he were honest with himself, he would probably classify the encounter as 'making love' over 'having sex'.

That it happened again after they sent the boys to sleep in Charlie's room compounded the problem tenfold. Mostly because (a) he had still been in Hagrid's hut at that hour, and (b) he had enjoyed it, even more than the second time. As a Potions Master, Severus was well aware of the dangerous nature of addictions. He recognized in himself the beginning stages. Most alarming of all was the fact that he felt little inclination to break himself of the quickly growing dependancy.

Severin was of no help in the matter. The boy was still jealously guarding his position of favourite son, and became sulky if Severus spent any amount of time alone with Charlie, but he made no attempt to keep Hagrid away. Rather the opposite, in fact. Severus blamed (and thanked, not that he would admit as much aloud, even in his mental voice) his elder son for providing the opportunity for several additional romps amid the bedsheets during the remainder of the Christmas holidays.

Severus didn't think the boy was eavesdropping on those encounters, but the boys never returned to the hut until Severus and Hagrid had made themselves and the bed presentable again. He tried his best not to let to much leak in the boy's mental direction, and could only hope that was successful.

Hagrid asked once if he wanted to top. The force of Severus's refusal startled even himself. Hagrid dropped the subject in favour of undressing his lover, so it was not until sometime later, as he lay sated and mildly sore, in Hagrid's bed, during the dead of night, beside a sleeping half-giant, that he was able to analyse his own response.

The simple answer was that neither had enjoyed Severus's one experiance on the top. It was not even that it was unpleasant, but more because it had been empty. Straightforward, mechanacal sex with nothing behind it. Even the first time as a bottom had been more passionate. For Hagrid, that first time had been everything sex was supposed to be. That Severus had felt overwhelming agony did not change the fact that he had felt something. Pain and fear, true, but it was better than the nothingness that had created Charlie.

It went deeper than that, though. Severus fought the secrets of his subconcious for the explanation, but it was only when Hagrid mumbled his name in his sleep, and instinctively draped an arm around Severus, drawing their naked bodies closer, that Severus grasped his own reasoning.

By Hagrid's example, he had some small understanding of the expected roles Top and Bottom were expected to play. His role as the Bottom suited Severus perfectly. Well, no, he disagreed with himself almost immediately. Upon objective consideration in the small hours of the night, being fussed over, touched, prodded, made to writhe, beg, and moan, then be entered, did not sound like him at all.

But it certainly beat Hagrid's part. He did not do gentle and loving. He could not reach out to another person. Respond, yes, but initiate contact, no. He seriously doubted he could set the mood for love-making even if he knew the pay-off would be extraordinary. Which, given his past experience, he knew no such thing. It was much easier to accept the praise and doting attention of a lover than give it. Hell, he hadn't told Severin that he loved him since the boy was three. Severin knew it, by their unique bond, but he hadn't actually had to say it in a very long time.

His tongue was too sharp for such sentiments. So as he had been doing with Severin, he let his actions speak for him. He fell asleep in Hagrid's embrace. In the morning, he would justify that action with the fact that it kept the nightmares away. That was the only reason.

The students returned as they did every January. It was an unavoidable hazard of being a Professor. Sooner or later, one had to deal with the pupils. With a full population of Slytherins present again, Severus's absence from the dungeons would not go unremarked. So he packed his things from Hagrid's hut and returned to his own chambers. Exactly when he had moved across the grounds was a mystery to him. Only Severin had packed an overnight bag for sleeping over at Charlie's.

Hagrid was all for a public relationship. He would be. It was his nature. But even without invoking his own reluctance to let people know about his private life, Severus was able to convince him that being obvious about it in front of the students would be a quick route to getting sacked. Neither the half-giant nor the ex-Death Eater were confident of their ability to find work elsewhere.

Consequently, at the return feast, Severus sat between Sinistra and Minerva while Hagrid sat with Hooch and Weasley. Severus managed to answer the questions posed by Albus and Minerva about how Severin had enjoyed his holiday, and picked at his meal. As the conversation dried out, Severus frowned at Severin and Charlie who were both sitting at the Ravenclaw table with their mixed House group of friends. To Severus's surprise, Severin wasn't even the only Slytherin among them. Albus followed his gaze and chuckled.

"Your boys have done more to ease inter-House rivalries than I imagined was possible."

Severus scowled. "It makes it terribly difficult for me to take away Gryffindor points during Charlie and Severin's class. At first, I only had to avoid Charlie, but now half of them are Severin's friends as well. I hear Mr. Weasley is likewise encumbered, since young Miss Weasely has joined the merry little band." His eyes flickered toward the red-haired girl sitting across from Severin. "Thank Merlin it is only the first years that are affected."

The Headmater's eyes twinkled. "I understand another age group has fostered a strong cross-House relationship. Slytherin-Gryffindor, no less."

Severus frowned and looked toward the Slytherin seventh years, trying to determine if any of them might have begun dating a Gryffindor. None of them struck him as being that desperate. "Who?"

The twinkle intensified. "Why, you and Rubeus, of course."

"Gods, he is a Gryffindor, isn't he."

That thought helped keep him in his dungeons the next three nights, but by the fourth, he conceeded that the addiction was stronger than he had anticipated. Some minutes later found him on the stoop of Hagrid's hut. The half-giant answered carrying a lantern, and wearing a night cap and a sleepy expression. The look was quickly replaced by a beaming smile when he recognized Severus. "Sev!"

Letting the familiar abuse of his name pass, Severeus stepped into the hut, closing the door with his foot, and placing himself within a very close proximity to Hagrid. "I believe I have something you want?" he suggested.

Hagrid seemed no less addicted, as he eagerly led Severus to their bed. Er, Hagrid's bed. It had only been four days, but by the urgency in their touches it could have been as many weeks, months, or even years. The wait was worth it, though. It was the first time Hagrid listened when Severus told him to go faster and harder. That he couldn't stand afterwards did not matter so much anymore. Especially with Hagrid holding him close and whispering the disconcerting words that he loved him. Severus answered in the only way he could. He closed his eyes and fell asleep, snuggled close in Hagrid's embrace.

Over the next two weeks, his things began to slowly migrate back to Hagrid's hut.

Filch was the first to notice the late night assignations. They were not every night, but the frequency was often enough that the old caretaker did stumble upon one, and a stake out the following five nights revealed that it was not a one time occurance. Out of respect for the surly professor, Filch chose not to report that the normally sensible man was behaving like an adolescent in heat.

Albus was the second to discover the pattern. While isolated events could bypass his notice, a marked change in the castle's routines was easy to pick out. Since Christmas holidays, Severus had not given out a single detention after midnight. A curious investigation revealled the cause, and Albus returned to his office chuckling. He confided the news to Minerva the next morning.

Hooch was the third to stumble upon the secret. An early morning broom ride took her in the proximity of Hagrid's hut in time to see Severus leaving. She smirked as she worked out the only possible reason Severus would be leaving the Gamekeeper's Hut at five-thirty in the morning. By that afternoon, the whole staff knew Severus and Hagrid had begun shagging. In the staff lounge, Amelia Vector innocently asked Severus when the child was due.

Also present were Hooch, Sinistra, Minerva, and Filius. All four stared at the Arithmancy professor as if she had lost her mind. Not unusual for Vector when she chose to speak. Severus had enough respect for her to feel his blood drain from his face as he said, "Why do you ask?"

"Severin was born in April, well over a month early. I assume he was not born through a natural termination of the pregnancy?"

Severus's heart began to pound faster as he gained an inkling of where she was going with the question. "No. A muggle procedure. Ceasarian section."

"And you did use that Breeder's formula, the one that does not wear off until the mother give birth to living offspring, correct?"

The Potion Master's hand drifted unconsciously to his currently flat abdomen as he finished the thought, "And my body wouldn't recognize the forceful removal of the premature fetus as a live birth."

Vector nodded. With expressions of horror, the other four professors looked back and forth between their two colleagues, all but verbally begging one of them to say what they thought they were hearing was wrong. Oblivious, Vector smiled, and fondly patted Severus's middle. He was so taken aback by the presumptious contact that he forgot to hex her. "So when was the little one conceived?" she asked, straightening and smiling in that absented-minded way that was typical of her.

"Christmas," Severus answered honestly, too stunned to attempt a lie. He was pregnant again. This could not be happening. But knew his potions, and cursed himself soundly for not recognizing the problem before he consented to have sex with Hagrid. This truly was happening.

"What a lovely gift!" Amelia Vector declared.

Severus was inclined to disagree, but he said nothing beyond, "I should go see Poppy."

Severin worriedly hurried his brother and other father toward the hosipital wing. Dad was there and refused to tell Severin why. But the elder Snape was scared. And that scared Severin. "Is 'e 'urt?" Hagrid asked, seeming as worried as Severin was. Everytime either of the boys lagged even a little for the quick pace they were setting, the half-giant would give them a nudge to speed them along. As he was rather larger than either boy, this tended to send them into a flying dash to try to recover their balance.

"Doesn't seem to be from what I can pick from him, but he's gotten a lot better at blocking me lately," the last was sent in an accusing tone of voice toward Hagrid. True, Severin didn't particularly care to be woken in the dead of night by his father's . . . ah, excitement . . . but he didn't like being shut out now. It was a bad precident that Severin was not willing to set. The two Snapes were not supposed to have secrets between them.

They reached the Hospital Wing, and Madam Pomphrey ushered them into the back room where Dad sat up on a bed. He looked reassuringly healthy. His black eyes were alert, and he sat uncomfortably on the bed in the bright room. The whiteness of the room made it difficult for Severin to judge whether his father's paleness was his normal hue or an indication of trouble. That his mind was still blocked did not bode well.

Pomphrey left as quickly as she had come, leaving the four alone. Dad looked at each of them, causing the nervous butterflies in Severin's stomach to flutter all the more wildly. Dad was dying. Severin could see the fatalism in those black eyes so like his own.

"I'm pregnant."

His father survived years of torture under Voldemort, why did he have to die n- wait. "You're what?"

"Pregnant," Dad repeated, the awful word sounding no better than when he had been expecting 'dying' to be in its place. Well, better than dying, Severin granted, but he still didn't like it.

"No," he denied. "Get rid of it."

He was peripherally aware of Charlie staring at him in horror, of Hagrid gently taking his arms and turning him toward his other father and away from his real dad. "Yeh doan mean that, Sev'rin."

Anger began to replace his shock. "Yes, I do! He's mine! He's my mom! Nobody else's!" He realized he was shouting, but he didn't care. This was about Dad. He threw himself at the half giant, flailing wildly. "Your fault! This is your fault! I should never have shared him, he's mine! You can't have him! The baby can't have him! You want a baby, you have it! Dad is mine!" Hagrid caught his wrists, so he began kicking and trying to bite.

"I've been expecting this for months,"he distantly heard Dad say calmly, "Give him here." Severin felt himself lifted into the air and put down beside his real father. Familiar arms wrapped around him, and his fury transformed into tears, and he wept into Dad's robes. Long fingers ran through his hair, more soothing than he would have expected. "He's never had to share before," Dad's voice said coming from so close he more felt it than heard it. "He's taking it better than I would have thought."

I'd've been more upset if you didn't react like this, the mental voice slid into his mind with pride and approval. Severin smiled despite his tears and clung tighter.

Not mad at me for crying? Severin thought back, just to be sure.

Just don't make a habit of it. His father's hand moved from stroking his hair to rubbing circles on his back. "It's going to be a girl."

Severin sniffed and pulled away. "A sister?" he repeated, intrigued despite himself. Maybe a girl wouldn't be so bad. A girl couldn't replace him as the favourite son. He tried to picture his father putting a pink frilly dress on a baby and laughed weakly. Dad smiled at him, the hint of humour in his eyes showing that he had caught the image.

I don't foresee experiencing Cruciatius while pregnant again, Severin. Your place is safe. Severin nodded slowly. "Fine. But make her last name Hagrid."

His two fathers exchanged a look over his head, and Dad nodded. "That can be arranged."

Severin smiled again. "Good." He looked over at Charlie, and the smile widened. "We're gonna be big brothers!"

Severus watched the two boys leave the back room of the Hospital Wing, happy with their impending sister's existance. He supposed long exposure to the Weasleys allowed Charlie to accept the family's expansion wiith equinamity. Severus had seen the eager excitement light his eyes at the first announcement, only dimming when Severin suggested abortion. That idea had clearly been anathema to the younger twin.

Severus looked over at Hagrid. Now that the issue with Severin's sibling rivalry was currently cleared up, the half-giant appeared as pleased and happy as Charlie about the addition. Only when the half-giant realized Severus was not nearly so cheerful did he sober and sit in a chair beside the bed. "Yeh doan want 'er," he observed. "Sev'rin -"

Severus shook his head, making a cutting gesture. "It has nothing to do with Severin's reaction." He looked away. "In the last century, only one Professor has been pregnant while teaching - two if you count me as well - and that was caused by a potions accident and a life-or-death situation. While the argument exists that this was an extension of that potion accident, it was by no means life-or-death." He leaned forward, resting his head in his hands. "The Board of Governors has every excuse they could want to sack me now. Poor role model to the students indeed. Ex-Death Eater, verbal abuse, homosexuality, extramarital sex, and now a bastard child? How Lucius would laugh."

The bed groaned as Hagrid sat beside him, holding him as he had held Severin. "Marry me, Sev'rus."

It took a while for Severus to understand he heard the words correctly. But, no, he couldn't have. "What?"

"I know I 'aven't much t' offer yeh. But if we're married, they can't sack yeh for havin' a kid."

A shot gun wedding, he believed that was the muggle phrase. He was strangely disappointed. But he nodded. He was Slytherin after all. Slytherins took what they wanted. If he were married to Hagrid, the half-giant could never leave him. The noble idiot was too Gryffindor to do that. "Neither of us are changing our names, though." Because he couldn't be seen as wanting this too much.

Hagrid kissed the top of his head, "Didn' think we would. Love yeh, too, Sev." Hagrid stood and left the room in a hurry, saying something about 'wedding arrangements'. He was left with the distinct and unsettling feeling that Hagrid had just manipulated him.

~ ~ ~ FIN ~ ~ ~

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