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Welcome to magic donations 

What is this site about? 

Good question this site is all about magical donations to help fulfill my dreams and the dreams of others who have a rough time getting the things they dream of having because of their financial status.

Here you can read about peoples life stories and what people like myself have been through.

 You can help them either in moral support or help them by donating something or just by reading their story.

  Remember you don't have to donate and if you choose to remember ALL donations help whither you want to donate cash, a car a boat a bike, a motorcycle whatever you can donate helps.

 my dream is to see people prosper and enjoy life their are so many millionaires and billionaires out their that can afford nice things and never worry about money.

 I hope to help alot of people. I'm just one person though with no cash livening day to day working hard and there are alot of people out their just like me. I cannot promise anyone they will get what they ask for but hey it never hurts to ask. 

I would like everyone who posts something to keep in mind there are alot of people out there that have nothing and are alot more needy and who have no home please think of others before you post I really hope I can help alot of people.

With God behind me I  just might be able to touch someone's life. May you all be blessed and please feel free to  contact me at

If you would like your story and what you need or want posted on my needy section please send me a E-mail Or you can send me a letter either way all stories will be reviewed before they are posted to ensure they are not just someone trying to scam free stuff and or taking advantage of someone. May God bless you all.


Donators please be sure to do these things before you donate to someone please send me a E-Mail with this information included your name your E-mail address if you don't want me to post it please say so also tell me what you donated and to whom you donated to you will be placed in the donors link on the web page you can also include links to your web page.

And id like to thank everyone who donated something you've made a difference in someone's life.