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Chapter Five

It wasn't long before Jeran was back in the realm of the creator. A pure holy light illuminated the sky and brilliantly reflected about the infinite area of good will. This was the sanctuary of truth and love, the one place that evil could never hope to penetrate; this
indeed was heaven, home of the immortal Creator.

Jeran spread his brilliant wings and flew into the sky. There he hovered and waited for the presence of the Creator to arrive. He still wore the same combat gown that he had since the Creator had made the heavens and earth. His short dark hair hung over his head
in a small mess but it somehow seemed to portray its own style. Jaren stood over six feet tall and had the build of a warrior. Many a fight he had claimed victory at the Creator's will, and as he waited now for him to arrive he could sense another war was brewing.

Finally, the presence came, not in Physical form but in the light that purified everything it touched. In this way He could be everywhere and in everything at the same time. It had been so long since He had taken physical form that even Jeran scarcely remembered
what He looked like. The Creator spoke without words but Jeran understood perfectly and relayed his message.

"It is true my lord," Jeran said humbly, bowing before the light. "Azrael and Magdalena have returned. I know not what they want but I can sense the fight brewing in them, they are on a mission but I know not of what."

There was a short pause before Jeran continued, almost afraid to think of what was beginning to transpire on earth.

"There is more my lord... he is with them. The one foretold, the son of Lucifer."

'I know' The creator spoke silently. 'Lucifer is preparing for another war. This will be there greatest battle yet, even in my power I will not be able to stop him. He knows it too. That is why he tried so desperately to corrupt the creation of the saviors. If it wasn't
for you, Jeran he would have succeeded.'

Jeran bit his lip as he hesitated to tell the worst news yet, but the Creator had already read his thoughts and comforted him.

'Do not worry.' He spoke. 'They are safe from a second corruption now, I have guided Orion to them. Their time draws near Jeran, and you must assist them. You have been my most loyal and courageous archangel, that is why you were sent to protect them. If they do not live then the war will have already been lost. Their identities are safe for now, but Lucifer will find them eventually.'

"All of Heaven and Earth is fortunate that they were not discovered today." Jeran spoke softly.

'Fortune played no part, they have you to thank Jeran.'

"They have me to curse as well..."

'The alternative considered, they will forgive you. You saved their souls from corruption Jeran, and by that you also saved all creation. Do not forget.'

"Yes my lord."

'Orion will safe keep them for now, he may not know why he has come across them but it is better that way. Lucifer can corrupt any mortal mind given enough time. They must remain secret. You must rally the forces of truth and inform them of this.'

Jeran nodded and instantly flew off to the hall of gathering. With a mere thought from the creator the trumpets mounted on the building blared, reaching the far corners of the Heavens and summoning all spirits of good. This was the call of emergency, All angels and Archangels knew what it meant. It was time for war.

The cats stared in disbelief at Orion. Neither could understand why but somehow this story seemed familiar in an almost unconscious kind of way. It was like a dream that had taken hold in their minds. It was like the instinctive fear that they had encountered with the presence at the lake. There was something more to this and they both were beginning to feel it.

Suddenly, Jade felt like she had been struck in the head as another dream-like memory began to surface. She opened her eyes wide as the pain of the experience re-asserted itself in her mind.

A familiar face stared at her and grinned, it was the face of evil... just as the presence at the lake. Somehow she didn't feel like herself in the dream, as though she were different. The evil closed in closer as she screamed curses at it in a language she did not even

"AWAY!!" She finally shouted, but it was too late. The evil encompassed her and pain shot through every inch of her. She screamed in agony but it was of little use as the pain sunk deeper and deeper, as though it were tearing her apart as it went.

Finally the dream faded to black and Jade finally became aware of Fox speaking with concern to her.

"What's the matter?" Fox looked into her terror wide eyes with fear filled eyes of his own. Her face drained of blood, although it was impossible to tell through her fur. Disorientation clouded her thoughts and she jumped to her feet, her tail puffed up in terror.

"NO!" She screamed mindlessly and ran off at top speed.

"JADE!" Fox instantly bolted after her.

Jade ran in fear but she did not now from what, the memory was so terrifying that she could not think straight, all she wanted to do was get away from everything. Fox had a difficult time following her, she ran faster than he had ever seen, he could not understand what was the matter.

Tears streamed down Jade's face but she continued to run. Up ahead a steep hill sloped down but Jade took no notice. All she could think about was the pain, and that she had to get away. Her paw caught in root hidden under the snow and dragged her out of her thoughts. A sickening crack sounded from her leg as she tumbled to the ground
and rolled uncontrollably down the hill. She could not see anything, until she saw the bark of a heavy tree, and by then it was too late.

By the time Fox caught up with her, all he found was Jade unconscious, lying in a heap at the bottom of the hill.

Rachet waited quietly as Rune and Azrael stood beside her.

"I have something I must confess to you Rune..." Rachet said as she turned to face him.

"And that is...?" Rune asked as his eyes narrowed onto Rachet's.

"Rachet is not my real first name but my middle name while my first name is Magdalena. I just used Rachet for a cover-up while here on earth as I searched for you."

"Magdalena.....that is beautiful..." Rune commented. "What does it mean?"

"It is the name of a river....somewhere near Mexico...and that is where our final destination is. Also, I'm sorry I was so quiet earlier...I sensed the presence of a holy one. I have a couple of ideas who it is and if he knows we are here then surely the Creator..." she said with disgust and then paused. "Surely knows our plans....we must act fast and make haste."

Azrael nodded grimly. "True....let us quickly leave then.."

"But...what is your mission??" Rune asked, confused. "And how is it we met before our bodies were created, father said we met in the this true, love?"

Magdalena looked at Rune. "Yes it is..and I shall explain it on the way."

She raised up her arms and chanted heavily. The snowstorm began to pick up as she stopped chanting. "Hurry up and follow me, we must cover the ground to the highway where our ride be waiting."

Azrael and Rune nodded as the three of them started running toward the highway. It took them thirty minutes to arrive and when their feet touched the asphalt the snowstorm died down. In front of them a large, silver, Dodge Ram 1500 series, flat-bed truck was waiting for them, and red with tinted windows. Magdalena opened the driver's side door and jumped in. Rune got into the middle and Azrael jumped into the passenger's seat. The two of them closed their doors. Magdalena started up the engine that roared to life and turned on the headlights. The highways were deserted at this time of the morning so the trip would be fast.

She put the truck into drive and started off down the highway.

The small boy watched the three of them from far above, in a gigantic oak tree.

"Soon they shall view me...and yet remember me they will; for I shall be the one who decides all of their fates and not the Creator!!!" the boy cried out and began laughing manically. His shoulders slumped forward as he watched the tail lights fade from sight. "However not at this moment…for now I must feed….."

His eyes scanned the northern skies and he smirked at the smell of his prey. "It is time to feed…" he whispered and jumped off the tree, slowly heading toward his prey, patience indeed was in his ball court as was time, and he had plenty of time.

Orion looked to the cats. "I'm leaving with or without you."

Orion started off down the snowy grass and towards an old abandoned motel where he was hoping the cats would clean up. If he showed them to Jeran now he'd more than likely get his ass chewed out for their cleanliness.

Berk slowly eyed his prey before him that was a large bear that was feeding on a small doe it had just caught. The bear looked up and blood covered its immense jaws as if it had been seen. It growled slightly but then returned to its feeding.

"Fresh....." Berk whispered as he took out a small dagger that was rusty, the blade was very small, and looked like it could not slash a wrist even if the attempt was true. He looked at the dagger which flashed an eerie blue color.

'I am your weapon, I am worthy.' the weapon said in his mind.

"Yes I know you are are indeed worthy.." Berk replied and grinned. Suddenly with immense speed and agility he was at he bear's neck and the dagger sliced open its throat, spilling blood all over the boys face. The boy licked the blood away with his tongue and soon the bear fell to the ground dying. Berk took the dagger in hand, sliced open the bear's chest, ripped out it's still beating heart, taking a solid bite out if, blood and gore dripped down his chin, and onto his shirt. He continued to devour the heart and finally when he was done feeding; he stood up and looked to the deer. The carcass lay open all over the ground, blood was everywhere and its heart was still

He took a couple of careful paces toward the carcass and placed his hand on the heart. It was strong but not as strong as the bear’s was. He grinned and then went back to his feeding frenzy on the bear's intestines and liver. When he had finished eating all of that he was a bloody mess. He grinned showing off his bloody teeth, his face was covered in blood, and he waved the dagger in the air.

"I'm going to decide all of your fates!!!" Berk yelled into the darkness.

He began laughing insanely as he trotted off, his stomach full, wandering the remainder of the night, searching for the Evil Trio.

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